Hi! Thanks for your comment. I’m fully aware about real roguelikes and dungeon crawlers. Played Nethack and ADOM twenty years ago first time etc.
What I had in my mind was a roguelike in dungeon crawler style and I do have most of the infamous Berlin interpretation checked with my game. I try to fit in the niche of people wanting roguelikes in a dungeon crawler engine and also those who like Dungeon Hack for example.
So my design background lies in true roguelikes (not roguelites) and not in ones like Ultima Underworld or Daggerfall but there are obvious influences and I hope fans of both types can enjoy the game. Therefore I think roguelike fits better but I do understand your point. Also, there’s NotEye for playing 2D roguelikes in first person so I’d argue my approach is similar.
Edit: I did a little update on the description clarifying what’s it about fully.