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This is a super cool little game, great art for a 3 hour jam! Unfortunately I had a lot of crashes and couldn't get very far, not sure what that's all about. The first time the player shoots the game stutters, not sure if there is a chance to preload some sort of resource there? Anyways, very nice job, wish I could get farther! 

I wanted to try using the beta version of Godot 4 for this jam, that’s probably what’s responsible for the crashes. As for the stuttering, I tried to prevent that by spawning a stray bullet in the corner of the screen on game start to force shader compilation, but it didn’t seem to work for some reason. 3 hrs doesn’t give much time to bugfix however, so I left it as is. I’m glad you enjoyed what little you could play :)

Had some Godot 4 issues myself!  That's exactly what i would have tried too. Not a big issue anyways.