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I liked this a lot! The controls are nice and snappy, and the rot, wall climb, and double jump mechanics work well together.

However, I think the slow scrolling makes the game worse, since it works against the core of what the rot mechanic is about -- keeping the player moving. But because you can't go up faster than the screen, I spent a lot of time just waiting for it to move up (in many places, it was only possible because the rot mechanic seemed to be a bit buggy, as in certain instances, I could stand on a cloud without rotting it). The slow move to make you continue up is fine (but probably unnecessary), but I'd have liked the ability to push the camera up if I get to the top. Or just have the screen move be a bit faster.

But other than that, I was really impressed, and enjoyed it a lot!


Oh that's a valid complaint! the screen scroll used to be like, twice as fast before I decided to tune it back, games pretty hard already and I didn't want it to feel impossible.  Plus I like that being made to stay in an area for longer makes you ration your platforms with the rot, I do understand wanting to go faster though, if I polish this up in the future I'll see how letting the player "nudge" the camera up goes!

Rot is def a bit buggy, I *think* it's caused by the rot only triggering when the player first comes into contact with it, walking on it past first contact doesn't seem to spread it. again, if I wanna polish this up in the future I'll def take a look at it, you should only really be able to stand still on the gold/black platforms 

Thank you for the feedback, really glad you enjoyed it! 


Yeah it would be a nice addition if the player could  nudge the camera  in some way! I like the game and the mechanics are good, but the orb mechanic seemed to be a bit hard to get to trigger? Sometimes I would bounce up off of them but other times it felt like I just went through them. Ultimately I didn't end up beating it because the scrolling was too slow and I kept dying at the triple orb portion, but I would try again if you update it.