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A member registered Dec 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! There is a way to get the good ending, but I didn't make it very clear. It's something I have to work on when I update the game.

This didn't age well... But don't worry, I will get to it.

Nice gamejam entry, feels like a very complete and polished package.

Sorry it took so long for me to play the updated game, I really like the direction you took with everything.

Something that stands out to me is the reset between rounds, it makes a run feel less polarizing and more balanced; Like you don't instantly feel like your squad has "made it" or not.

The classes affecting the card pool is a very interesting and good take as well.

My first run was fun, but it was really annoying how one event completely ruined my whole dice bag when I had no idea that it would. Lost all my gold dice and then crumbled in the next fight instantly.

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This is a big update, and some big plans! They sound very compelling though, so it should be worth it. I think it is fine to simplify the graphics especially if you are adding a lot of content.

I can totally relate with the feeling of wanting to add more to your first game, even if it was initially going to be smaller.

I ended up working on an infinite platformer gameboy item for shut-in angel, and haven't even gotten to the main things I wanted to add to the main game yet (I really should've made the minigame more simple).

EDIT: Got a win with a spiky healer! Didn't have the opportunity to convert both my units to spiky healers, but it was still very effective.

Great update, managed to get a team going this time and took down the new final wave. I'm ashamed to say it but it took me a long time to realize that the attack stat made the healers more effective LMAO

The update is really cool, liking the new icons and healer sprite. I think evasive makes the solo strat even stronger! I still haven't figured out how to make teams work, but I've been trying.

Early on I lost a run to the restart button! With the moon behind the fight button, my brain instinctively thought to press the restart button as it stands out more

There's quite a lot here for a gamejam game! I think it would benefit from a limited turn count though, as the puzzles are very easy as it is. I think the final boss felt more like what the baseline puzzle difficulty should've been at the beginning. Interesting concept overall though, and nice use of 3D for the battle intros

The gameplay is really simple, but I like what you did with the 2D/3D mix and camera effects.

Very nice! I think it would be nice if the reset button required a prompt (after round 1). "Eager" balance change is nice too, I never took it till now.

I think it would be cool if you included a "before and after" for a few of the sprites, but I understand if that's too much of a drag

I see! If you ever continue the story, I would like to see it through.

Thanks for more kind words! I am definitely going to work hard at updating this soon.

Thanks!!! I think it's normal for a creator to think they won't place high, but I was expecting you to win

You placed third in the minijam!!! Proud of ya!

Dude you won MiniJam! Congrats!!!

Was there a way to get a good ending? Or does even the best ending say "End(?)"

I like the concept of always having that urge to kill wired into your mind as V.05. They really are like a child, with the way they speak. It does invoke that feeling of wanting to shape them into a moral person.

Submitted this on the last day! I almost didn't have time to rate it. Good job getting it out there though, nice work on the illustrations- must've been hard to crank them out so quickly.

Thanks! I actually played every submission. I think I went overboard because it's my first gamejam in a long time and I felt compelled to see the results of everyone's struggle. I probably shouldn't go this hard unless I'm participating in a smaller jam though, that's for sure.

I can respect that decision! I think it would have been fine if falling off resulted in a repositioning to a safe location and taking some damage, but that mechanic would definitely have been another timesink so I fully understand.

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Wow the visuals are really cool! I was frustrated at the level design though, as there were 2 sections with pipes to drop down onto but it lead to a bottomless pit. The first of which even had a turret down below, leading the player downwards to check it out. The game mechanic of the power level of the gun was cool. I don't think you guys had enough time to flesh out the mechanic, but it definitely has potential. I also appreciated the capability to use the side-scroll of my scroll wheel so the web-version was playable without being fullscreen.

Grats on finishing before the submission time finished! I do know how easy it can be to overcomplicate things and start adding way too much.

I felt that, I skipped a whole night's worth of sleep to get my game done! I hope you weren't quite as insane as me. Enjoy your rest

Thanks!! I know it would be better as a game if I explained what to do, but for the artistic direction and meaning of the game I think I have to keep things fairly ambiguous. It's also a trait of old games to refrain from telling the player too much. When I play games I also dislike it when I am always told what to do, but it's just preference!

It is delicate! I think the main reason for the difficulty drop was your change which made the solo unit style easier. With the multi-unit buffs out of the pool it felt a lot easier to get nice things.

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Ayy got my first win on this build! I didn't manage to win with a healer, but I did do the solo unit strat. There was one attempt where I did have a healer, but the boss beat me with 1hp left.

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I was able to play the game properly this time! But I think I broke it. I was going at 300+ mph and descending at rapid velocity so I could cash in my 1400 points and then I'm pretty sure I clipped through the killbox at the bottom LMAO. It was fun to play once I figured it out! I liked how the sprites  changed wtih your upgrades, and going insanely fast was sweet.

Real gamer skills right there! 

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I liked how it was a literal CROSShair. Overall I don't think the guns felt very fun to shoot though. I think having the act of shooting feel fun is the most important thing in an FPS. And, I would even prefer roblox looking characters and MS paint art than the use of stock assets and AI art, but that's just my preference.

But, it was still pretty fun to shoot my way through your game.

The handling is very tough, but I think it's very fun! The shooting is very satisfying.

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I managed to win, but only through a method of going directly for the lighthouse and ignoring the garden completely. When playing the game the optimal way by recharging only at 1 bar, feeding the lighthouse only when it doesn't waste excess energy, it is impossible to win.

I think with a bit of rebalancing to the plague mechanic (it comes up too often and makes you run out of energy dealing with it!) it will be perfect.

I really love this game though! Everything about it is cute- aside from the sadness that comes with things dying.

Yeah it seems like a hard one to balance out; There was this one section with the feather below a floating platform, and that was the only time my bar almost ran out- perhaps more sections like that would make it easier for players to experience the effect? And you can keep it filled up if you remember to take the right path too.

Ah yes I did  figure that strat out! but due to my shoddy execution, sometimes still ended up taking me down at times.

Another aspect of the game I liked but forgot to mention earlier, was how flying upwards without holding left/right makes you gain more height. Makes you have to think more about which option you're going for.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! and that you noticed the little halo-ribbon. It is very unclear how to get the good ending, I should have paid more attention to that even with the limited development time. And yes- Self-care routines are so important!

I love the art and sound design! Grid level was very tough, especially when the ball is moving at top speeds!

I felt as if the rate of new souls was a bit high! I still had fun though. I eventually lost when I had about 6 archangels and was trying to just free up the queues by sending people to random angels.

I was frustrated by the input eating, but the level design was so good that I had to push through to the end! That final stage was a real tough one.

The death animation when you hit the spikes was hilarious

I actually really like the movement in Getting Over It, because once you master the jank physics you can really fly through the map! I actually played through the game a few times. If we're talking Sexy Hiking however, that game is full of jank- but I still love it.

This is a great take on tower defence genre, to mix it with the turret defence genre. I quite enjoyed switching between towers to optimally destroy the demons. My preferred setup is 3 light beam towers and 1 archer tower.

Lagbunny is my spirit animal. I enjoyed slapping god with my sharp stick. A truly enlightening experience

I think this could've benefitted from a 1 projectile on screen kinda deal instead of a reload time, but besides that it played well


I liked the acoustic guitar music, but I would have liked an indication that the game was infinite. I was climbing up waiting for an ending of some kind, but it never came.

That was somethin' else! Really funny animations and concept. I especially liked the ascension pose