Very promising prototype! I enjoy how it feels as much a puzzle game as a top-down shooter. The bouncing fireball mechanics are real cool! I played around with the level editor for a bit (forgot to record it--sorry!) and it seems feature-rich for a prototype, but could use some work to streamline it (although if you want it accessible for gamepads what you have right now might be the best way to do it). The art is charming--especially that unlockable character ;) The enemies seem nicely differentiated, and it seems with how their behaviors mesh together you can create some really challenging rooms!
My only real complaints is that, first, the trigger tiles seemed too big to me. It's probably just a skill issue but it felt like I triggered them even when I shouldn't. And second, it does seem like the default walk speed does seem a little slow.
But overall, I had a lotta fun with the demo & I'm looking forward to how the game continues to progress!
I recorded my playthrough, I hope it helps!