Thank you guys. It helps a lot to understand the situation to be able to talk about it with other game dev. To add a little something to the conversation I can talk about my experience with Patreon as Majid mentioned it earlier in this thread. My personal experience with Patreon is that I'll probably quit on the 31st of december.
Patreon is an extension of the same popularity contest we're experiencing here (and on other social networks) . If you are talented for that, it would be stupid to stop but as I'm not then I think it would be stupid to continue. I have very few patrons that bring me 15euros/dollars per month and for that little money I find myself in a rather stressfull situation every month because the time used to keep my few patrons content is a precious time lost for my game. I have a day job and the little time that is left to me is for my time consuming hobby, "my second job" : making a game. To have a Patreon is like a 3rd job (a thing that the stupid me didn't know). Probably like a real Youtube channel (I don't have any) or a successful instagram acocunt, it is a job too of it's own. One got to be prepared for that if you expect it to be worth it. It's like a chain :
Step 1. You probably need to be good at marketing your game (social networks, etc...)
Step 2. If you have the step 1, then your game can be popular (I mean popular enough to stay visible even after being kicked out of the "NEW" category)
Step 3. Then you can get a chance to have a Patreon that is worth the time and efforts you'll have to put in it (... aside of your game... and maybe your day job).
Efficient Marketing - Popular game - Worthful Patreon (<---as I said, an extension of the popularity contest)
If think most of us here mess it because we don't have the step one and/or we're not good at it. The truth is that all these steps need skills and as little indies... Let me use a metaphore : As indie game dev, we're certainly terrific players, but a terrific player doesn't make a team to play the game (and win).
Now, of course, there are peolpe that manage to make it. Some fantastic indie game devs that are also good at marketing their game and having worthful if not profitable Patreon. They exist and I'm thankful to them for keeping the dream alive. Sincerely.
Just a few notes as I re-read my post...
1- My 15euros per month on Patreon can't help me because I live in FRANCE where such an amount of money is negligible BUT at the same time they have been a huge psychological support all along. The truth is that I just can't keep up with the scheme of putting something new under the nose of my patrons on a regular basis just o keep them without spoiling the game itself and its experience. The only thing I'm good at is making the game. And that's the only thing I produce. Nothing else.
2 - And of course no, the goal was not to get rich at once thanks to my Patreon. It was just the pursuit of that old dream of the indie game dev... "if I could make just enough momey to even barely replace my day job, I would use all my time to do what I really love". But for me it will have to wait.