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It sucks to say this but it froze all the time at a textbox event (on web and the app). I'm sure it would've been a great game :(

The game works on windows, linux or mac, and also on some browsers

But it still freezes after it says "after rehydrating I feel healthier". I tried multiple times and it still froze at some point.

(1 edit)

The downloadable builds will 100% work

I said I already tried the downloadable builds and they won't freeze. I'll try it a couple more times just for reassurance though.

You can just play any of the downloadable builds if they won't freeze

I tried again and left clicking still won't make the ui progress/close

(3 edits)

make sure the end of the mouse pointer is hitting continue rather that the center, it rotates a bit due to a bug so youll have to adjust accordingly

Ive also linked a gameplay video on the game page if you want to see it and its not working still