Not going to say anything about the Menu Visuals, I'm just going to assume they are all Placeholders.
Default Mech Weight is 18.10T? Seems an odd Weight, but alright I guess. Found the Engine/Structure/Etc Selection later, pretty neat. Theres a lot of customizability in Mecha building. Preview Mech is really neat, I'd prefer it not as a second Option tho, but always active on the Side. Shame that there's only one Chassis at the moment.
I can drag Guns, but I can't drag them onto the Preview Mech. I also don't know what Ammo what Gun needs, so I'm just putting Chainguns and 12mm Rounds everywhere, that'll work hopefully. Worked, but didn't work out obviously. Guess Armor is important.
Next try with only 2 Gaus Cannons and as much front Armor as possible, Auto-Fill Armor doesn'T work. Am pretty much invincible but overheated and run out of Cannonballs. No Melee.
If you run too close into the Enemy, their Wireframe appears on your Wireframe display.
Ran fullspeed of the Map. Its a lot bigger then I expected. Its also empty at the Moment which is boring for the Combat, I think it should have some Stuff to cover behind and/or blow up. Everything seems to work so far tho, the Mech Status Voice Anouncer works really well, nice.
Overheating doesn't do anything if you override it. I can easily go to 500% without anything happening.
Weapons and other Equipment doesn't show up on your Mech, shame.
I have no Idea what half of the Stuff is supposed to be, I'm not that into Guns and Armor and Stuff. Also Controls feel too Simulative to me personally, but thats just the Style of the Game you're going for I'm assuming.
Finally won by using a default Mech aswell, I suck at designing Mechs I guess.
1v1 Combat quickly turns into just strafing around the Enemy in case they have Directionlocked Weapons and firing away in bursts. Don't know if thats intended, but it feels a bit same-y and boring. Maybe better AI and different Terrain alongside proper Team battles instead of only 1v1 could fix this more. Or different Achievements to Win then just destroy the Enemy.