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Amazing job on the four-color graphics, looked great, and everything including the text and HUD were still very clear.  Sound was excellent too, I enjoyed playing it.

I found the firing animation to be a bit clunky, with it taking a moment to actually fire the projectile, and with me accidentally canceling it many times.  Might have been nice to have a minimap, although the levels weren't too big.  One minor thing, I was sad when I could stomp on the enemies with the mech and supplies would come out but I couldn't pick them up, lol.


I wanted to add the ability to pick up resources, but it was getting too late and we had to prioritize bugs! You're absolutely right with the firing being clunky as well - I made a mistake early on choosing to wait for the animation to finish. I have plans for the future for that, so hopefully it'll be nicer! We hadn't really considered a mini-map, may go that route if we end up with randomized dungeons after the jam.