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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks!  It's definitely incomplete; I had many ideas for additional tower floor types and mechanics, and a win condition along the theme of burying your riches in a pyramid-style vault before your time runs out, but time ran out for me!  Glad to hear the core was enjoyable though, I'll look into fleshing this one out in the future!

Haha, nicely done!

Thanks!  The character gets slower each day as part of the jam theme, but it could use some tweaking.

Thanks for taking a look!  I fixed a bug with the input that will hopefully make the UI buttons work.  I also added desktop versions for download in case that helps.

Hmm, I'll see what I can do to debug that.  It's working for me in both Firefox and Chrome.

Thanks for the footage!  I need to track down that frozen animation bug that seems to happen regularly for some players but rarely for others.

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Wow, amazing!  The art is great, it controls smoothly, the camera works perfectly.  The first boss had some fun mechanics.  I really liked the Mega Man-style enemies and wall slide/jump, and the complexity of the platforming with the vertical moving platforms!

Unfortunately I died after getting the dash and hit the missing-item bug you said you've already fixed for after the jam.  I'll for sure be checking back after the jam so I can see more of this game!

Understandable!  Haha, how fitting for "nightmare."  Thanks for the game!

Very cool to see the voice acting!  Great use of art assets combined together, with only some minor inconsistencies.

The combat felt quite good.  The long invulnerability duration after hitting the enemies was awkward at first, but could be adapted to.  Nice job on the AI for the enemies and the first boss, felt like I was fighting actual enemies instead of just mindless zombies!  Being able to jump on enemies was cool.

I scrolled through the comments and didn't see any mention of this, maybe it only happened to me somehow through some bug?  After beating Aphrodite and getting the double jump, I used the statue to return, and then got up to Nightmare.  However, after the first death to Nightmare, I lost my double jump ability.  I got back up to Nightmare one more time without the double jump out of stubbornness, but after that I had to move on.  I'll be watching for updates to the game after the jam so I can give it another try!

Yep, I feel that!

Fun little game!  I agree that the player trail is great, and I like the lighting and overall aesthetic.  Would be nice to have some sound though!

For the controls, I think the speed and jump height of the player were well-tuned relative to the environment and enemies.  One issue I had was I thought the camera was a bit too high, and would also follow the player up when jumping, so I would often be falling blindly and then hit spikes or an enemy that I couldn't see below me.

The shooting was satisfying.  I kind of like the spam-click style, but I could see people wanting some auto fire when holding the button down.  It was a little awkward that the projectile firing point was so far from the center of the character, so if you shot straight down when standing on one of the moving platforms, you would miss the platform.  You could still hit it by standing on one side and shooting the other side though.

Not having checkpoints or healing was a little frustrating, but when you respawn you keep your crystals and they also respawn, so I was able to get to the end comfortably still.  Overall well done!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Awesome, thanks for playing and recording!  There are definitely a few things that need fixing, like some animation quirks.  Now that this jam is over, I'll be working on an updated version.

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Thanks!  There actually are sensitivity settings in the menu (Tab, O, M, or gamepad start) -- I should quickly add an indicator in-game though!

Could be, I suppose.  Web builds it seems are always a bit finicky with different browsers, systems etc.

Wow, nicely done!  Thanks for playing!

Thanks!  I had fun making this one, I should take another look at it sometime.  Good idea, it does seem like it could translate well to mobile!

Huh, I haven't gotten any reports about those bugs until now.  I just gave it a try again myself to check and didn't encounter that.  The only thing I can think of is, did you get hit by an arrow right before going through the portal, and were you flashing when you arrived on the other side?  I forgot to put something there to block that trap from hitting you in the portal.

As for the error/crash, do you remember the error message, or what was happening in the game in the couple of seconds before the crash?  Maybe something didn't get initialized properly on the scene transition somehow.

Thanks for giving the game a try!

Wow, thank you!  Glad you liked it!

Hehe, nice one!  The boss has some more tricks up his sleeve now if you're looking for a rematch!  :)

Thank you for the kind words!  The environment is definitely pretty barebones, I was working on adding more places to go and sights to see right up until near the deadline, haha.  The coins are all fairly close to the start, but with more time I could add more landmarks, buildings, platforming, etc.  I even had plans for some NPCs with quests to bring more of the "life" part of the theme into the game, but I suppose there's only so much you can fit into a game jam!  Nice, I'm glad the character movement felt good!

(1 edit)

Very interesting take on the theme, I liked it.  The tank controls for movement were a bit odd and floaty, but nothing too uncomfortable.  The low poly environment was nice, great use of free assets!  Also the music tracks in stages two and three were perfect for the situation.  I would have liked a checkpoint in stage three, it was annoying to have to start the stage all over.  I did make it to the ending though!  It was cool that you fit a bit of a story into a jam game.

There were a few friction points that made the experience a bit more frustrating than I would like.  In the second stage, sometimes the gravity would switch right before I grabbed a fragment, so I would miss it.  And I didn't want to cut it too close to the end to make it easier to grab, because the bottom of the screen kills you from much further away than I would expect.  Thankfully though, if I missed a fragment I could just keep trying when it came around again, so it wasn't that bad.

In the third stage, there was a point about halfway through where spiders came and killed me twice while I was trying to read the dialogue before I noticed what was happening.  It would be nice for the dialogue to pause the game maybe, or if the spiders stood out more against the dark background it would be easier to notice them moving.

Also I didn't realize for a while that the rotation controls were based on the colored axis lines.  It would be nice if the lines were a bit brighter or thicker so it was easier to see the color.  However, for my experience it would be more intuitive if the controls were based on the character's rotation, rather than an external object's rotation.

The floating background objects in the third stage were awesome though, good job on the environment.  I especially liked the vfx for the portal thing that takes you between stages.  That was made in Unity VFX graph?  It was hard to make out exactly what each particle looked like (for the purposes of trying to make something similar :) ), but the overall effect was very cool with the colors and all!

I do want to make it clear at the end here that I enjoyed my time in this game, great job!

Thanks!  I spent quite a bit of time (too much probably!) building the character movement from scratch for this jam and fine-tuning it for interaction with slopes and steep walls, and it cut into the time for adding more to other aspects of the game.  But I'm glad it was noticeable!

Okay, I added a note to the game page that you can press "Q" to show the sensitivity options.  There's also a prompt in the bottom left corner of the game screen, but if that's not showing up on your end then maybe the UI for the options won't show up either.  Thanks again.

Thanks for the feedback.  That's strange that it didn't want to lock the mouse cursor for you.  Was the controller-look still too slow even with the sensitivity at max in the in-game options menu?  I could increase the range if that's an issue.

Thanks!  I haven't worked much with vegetation in Unity before.  Initially when I just let all the trees render at any distance, if I looked far across the terrain it would drop to ~20 fps on my machine in the web build.  The asset pack with the trees didn't have any lower-poly alternates for LOD, so I was looking into a billboarding solution but couldn't get it working in time, so I settled for just culling the trees at distance so I could finish up some other things.  I'll definitely keep looking into this (and other avenues for optimizing performance) so I can have more detailed environments in my future games!

Nice way to tackle the theme!  The 2D was a bit janky at times but I made it to the ending.

Great job on the level design, lots of variety in the platforming with how you scaled the Kenney platformer assets and made them move.  The object spawner buttons getting triggered by the falling objects was funny.  Thank you for putting plenty of checkpoints in, definitely eliminated some frustration and kept me playing for longer in a jam game!  :)

Neat puzzle game!  I did get stuck as the blue character after going up the elevator onto the platform with the door to the next room, and couldn't move that character anymore so I had to restart.  I also sometimes lost the ability to throw the teleport sphere, but I would see it flying while playing as the other character, not sure if that was a bug or just a mechanic I didn't understand.  I thought the mouse wheel to manipulate things was a cool way to do it.

Awesome, thanks for playing!  I was watching that stream for a bit and I guess I dropped out before you picked my game, just now went back and watched.  I agree that the number keys to select cards isn't perfect with the cards shifting constantly.  I think I could solve the music stuttering on scene transition with some kind of asynchronous scene preloading, but I added the music around an hour before the submission deadline and just didn't have the time to look into it, haha.  It also sounded like the music started stuttering later on in the survival mode when you played, not sure how to fix that.  I'm planning to add a couple more story levels I had ideas for once the jam is over, thanks!

Agreed, that would be a good addition.  Thanks!

Hmm, you might have seen that because each curse cast can only remove one word marker from each intruder (so if there's a duplicate you only get to remove one), or because the area of effect of the curse expands and contracts over the lifetime of the animation, so it might have missed if something was right on the edge.  Thanks!

Thanks for playing!  Glad to hear there was still enjoyment to be had in the game's fairly basic state at this time.  I'm looking forward to working on this some more!

Thanks so much!  I'm also excited to keep working on it and adding more story levels and polish.

Thank you for the comments!  To respond, just launching survival mode next is not a bad idea, haha.  I made survival first, and then I had plans for a few story levels, but I could have pivoted with how little time I had left at the end.  I agree that things needed more feedback, like casting sounds, or particles, or death animations of some kind for the intruders.  Thanks!

The survival mode doesn't have a win condition (I suppose I should have written that somewhere in the menu), it's just to try to survive as long as possible, if you want to compare scores with other players or your own previous attempts.  :)

Awesome!  Thanks for playing

Really inspiring work here!  Nice simple 3D models, and the music and font were perfect for the game.

The movement and effects in the picture-in-picture minigames were smooth and satisfying.  Did you use the Godot animation system for that?

The foundation is solid.  I really enjoyed the Overcooked vibe.  With lots more variety and some multiplayer, I could totally see myself playing this with friends!

Thanks!  Moving slowly definitely helps, also when playtesting I found myself dragging the objects along the ground so at least they wouldn't fly as far away when I lost them.  :)

Out of curiosity, did you make it to the ending sequence (after turning in three widgets)?  I'm wondering how many players stick around for that long, since the base gameplay is admittedly not as engaging as it could be.