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Finally reach level 300 with only one member (solo leveling, haha), wish the devs can limit the undying limit (maybe resurrect 10 times) so i dont waste so much time fighting them, anyway this is a great game

Cool! Will keep in mind making undying less tedious on high levels as yeah it can be pretty much just a time waster.

Also the leaderboards displaying wrong items, was it just wrong colors? Something weird going on there indeed.

it displayed different equipment but now is showing the same equipment.


Are you going to release more content? Please do so.

Don't have anything planned right now but will do if I come up with some nice additions.

I have soooooooo many ideas. Are you open to suggestions?

Some would be just add more items. Also more races. Even bosses every 10 floors. 1 boss that has randomly generated loot, but has a minimum of like 10k at level 10, and multiply that by like 1.2 or 1.3 for every boss after. These are some really good suggestions to make the game not so stagnant after floor 150 or so.

To use a reply you did to a post, "Nope, it’s endless and even the difficulty starts not getting that much harder other than the other player characters you face more frequently. " People are pretty bored after a certain point. So if they have a boss every 10 floors that has massive HP, they have something to look forward to.

Yes of course I'm open to suggestions! And boss encounters indeed are something I've been thinking of too. I think they'll need to be a bit more than just HP sponges to be interesting though. But I do have rough ideas for few ones already. If you come up with something cool, feel free to bring it up and I'll surely take it to consideration. Same goes to items and races of course.