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Hi! Sorry about that, we saw your email as well. Could you send us a screen recording of that part of the game? We've tested it extensively and still cannot figure out what the issue is. 
Your video might help shed some light on that ^^

(3 edits) (+2)

I'm not sure about OP, but for me it isn't a bug... I'm just really bad at this sort of thing :< My reflexes aren't good enough, I think.

I run as fast as I can, and I do kind of okay at first, but when going around the corners, I inevitably slow down and she gets me... I think I tried around 20 times, and then quit the game.

I was terrible at the spikes puzzle, too. I couldn't beat it even once and had to skip each time.

It would be great to have either a "Skip" button or an alternative solution for those like me who are too slow XD Perhaps a way to cover her face, so she can't see you grab the black item? Or a way to make her fall into the dungeon room below since there's a very convenient hole in the floor...

I suppose this would apply to all similar "speed" puzzles. They're very, very hard... if you include any more in the future chapters, a "Skip" button after a few failed tries would be much appreciated! 😭

Edit: I was looking for another way (since there always is one), but burning the painting isn't good either... she's faster than fire! XD


As soon as I will have some time I will try to send you that. However, my experience is the same as @laura_m writes below. I don't see a bug here, she just runs too fast.

Hello, it took me quite a time, but I was finally able to return to the game and record a few of my attempts to escape from the painting girl (on two different routes). It happens more or less so every time...

As the file is quite large, I have put it up on the Web on my server: