The only thing stopping this from being absolute perfection is the controls. Pushing up stops you in your tracks - and its extremely difficult to avoid that happening while jumping around or trying to outmaneuver the enemies. ESPECIALLY with a gamepad.
- Trying to move to escape enemies and coincidentally nudged up? Complete stop. Dead.
- Trying to jump over something but touched up? Drop like a brick into the enemy. Dead.
- Trying to use the Mage's levitate but brushed up? Not levitating anymore! Dead.
What would seem to eliminate this would be:
- Allow looking up while moving without it stopping you.
- Disable looking up while jumping/levitating (you can't attack while jumping anyway so it serves no purpose except to make you drop and get killed).
- Be able to jump at any point of attack animation (like you can with teleport).
- Being able to jump much earlier at end of teleport animation.
Being able to shoot while moving and jumping would be awesome, but I appreciate the game has probably been designed around this so it might unbalanced the game.