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i played for a bit, 

as a m&b player myself i like the idea of directional attacks, although execution needs a bit of work here. 

>sometimes the direction doesn't register,  you can probably see this video to see what i mean, the left direction & up at some point of the video doesn't register. might have something to do with the speed threshold or something.

>sometimes even if the direction registers, the attack doesn't do anything which adds to this clunky feel

> you need to have some sort of buffering mechanism where if a player has just finished an attack but still in recover animation you should still be able to add an attack input to queue for the next attack and launch it when it's ready (it might fix my second point)

i think that's the main technical issue of the game for now, otherwise i think it looks good, especially the animation. good work.

>sometimes the direction doesn't register,  you can probably see this video to see what i mean, the left direction & up at some point of the video doesn't register. might have something to do with the speed threshold or something.

Did you try turning down the threshold in the settings? I don't know if mouse sensitivity somehow has anything to do with it or if I just move my mouse in an abnormally jerky manner, but that's never been an issue for me.

>sometimes even if the direction registers, the attack doesn't do anything which adds to this clunky feel

Do you mean when you're close to a wall? I'm getting rid of that. It was to prevent clipping, but that's getting fixed eventually anyway.

> you need to have some sort of buffering mechanism where if a player has just finished an attack but still in recover animation you should still be able to add an attack input to queue for the next attack and launch it when it's ready

You can already chain some attacks, but buffering for attacks is planned.

>Did you try turning down the threshold in the settings

oh sorry i didn't notice there's a setting for that, pretty sure mount and blade doesn't have this threshold thing no? but then again last mnb game i played is warband and last time i played it was like 4 years ago or something so i might've forgotten about it.

>Do you mean when you're close to a wall? I'm getting rid of that. It was to prevent clipping, but that's getting fixed eventually anyway.

nah it's not when you're close to a wall, i think it has something to do with the buffering thing i said, and i also agree what that other anon said, right now the only way to attack is to move the mouse first, then click to do an attack, i think you should allow players to also click first, and then drag the mouse to "decide" which directions they're gonna do (i'm pretty sure warband does this, cause i remember kinda just moving between attack directions by simply holding left click & moving my mouse).

i think the general rule is, if you're in a combat and there's any point where your clicks doesn't register to a certain action (either now or later), then there's something wrong with it.