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The tilting and floating is nice, fits the Underwater theme. The Shrimp is cute.

WASD should be in Camera or Modelspace I think tho, so when I look down, I can swim down with W. 

There is no cooldown shown for the RMB Ability, and I thought it was cute when I was just blowing Bubbles, instead of a big Projectile. The ParticleEffects over all are pretty nice.

You can't float infinitely high, and it also takes up Stamina? Very odd for a 3D Underwater Game I think.

Also rescaling doesn't work very well, if I un-fullscreen via F11, I get a fullscreen Window that locks the Cursor when I try to resize. And the Health/Stamina Bar go offscreen either Way.

Made it into the big middle Crater, there isn't much else there I assume. Your Camera clips into the Terrain theire easily, which can block Vision of your Character at some Points. Your Map also is bad, but I'm assuming its a quickly thrown together Placeholder. While I praised the floatiness earlier, it can get a bit much when you've build some speed by swimming forward continously, at which Point it becomes too much. A hard maximum quite a bit lower then currently might work well.

No Idea how to get a Whirlwind going as in your Screenshot, I tried shooting, spinning, spaming Abilities, but maybe its not there or I'm too dumb.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks Tomo

I don't want to move up and down by looking and going forward (like a halo Banshee) since I want you to be able to ascend or descend while shooting at something else.

I don't want the player to float infinitely high since it would trivialize certain parts of the game. I want it to feel more like a jet pack. Thats why it gets harder to ascend past a certain point. When taking off from a higher platform, your height cap is temporarily set higher, then slowly lerps back down.

Can you think of a good way to convey that to the player? Maybe like a pressure gauge or something? A lot of people are confused by this. Gotta think of a solution here

You can get new abilities for the demo by pressing X to see their hotkeys. Whirlwind is the F ability for Wind. That note may have been clipped on your monitor if you're not 1920x1080 :/


Probably got clipped then, sorry.

I understand the Jetpack Idea gameplay wise, I just think it makes little Sense Environment-wise. Maybe if you'd have a Stream of Bubbles downwards that'll have to hit the Floor to propel you or something, but I don't know if that'll be enough.

If I recall correctly, you also have something kind of similar but not strong enough already for it.