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The default window border sprite has a little black-white border - I think it’s not visible on the itch screenshot because the window doesn’t have focus (I don’t have any Win11 devices myself so that’s a screenshot provided by someone). You could supply a more fitting one (either with a rounded border or just no border) based on os_version.

Also, is there a way to set the color of the individual parts of the interface? Say I wanted a black background with white text and button images. The cheatsheet references changing the interface color with something like “gameframe_blend = c_black”, but doing so colorizes all of the window UI elements at once and not the individual font color or button color. Is there a simple way to control that?

Caption background is also just as sprite that you can customize, but you also can override drawing via callbacks. Button drawing has its own callback that you can change.

(2 edits)

Thank you so much for the snappy response! I see now what you mean by them just being sprites I can customize; somehow I missed that there was a folder called "gameframe" that got added to the project that had sprites in it in addition to the folder called "GameFrame" that was added to the project and had the scripts, etc. in it. I've never used a GameMaker extension before so that might be why; either way that was a really obvious question to ask now that you've explained it to me. Sorry!

As for the windows 11 border, I like that suggestion of creating a different border sprite and supplying it based on the os_version that GM reports. Thanks for that idea!

This is a great little extension and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who could use it!