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There are a few things I want to say about the game after analyzing it longer.

1. I think the swimming mechanics needs some work. She swims like a guppy, darting in straight lines rapidly. Perhaps look at a game like Super Mario World for some insight on how the swim should work.

2. Cynthia has a vulnerability that makes her too easy to defeat. If you use the red sword against her, you can spam her really fast when really close and drain her HP way faster than you should be able to. Perhaps make a stamina system on the main character that can prevent this. Maybe make a level system where you can level up to increase stamina, HP, attack, defense, etc...

3. In regards to the pregnancy, is there any reason why you have the main character trade an egg for a "Magic Puppet"? I think it would be more appealing to just be more direct about it and say it's the Nene's kid and give her traits similar to the parents (instead of generating random traits).

4. Perhaps give more variety to items. What I mean by that is instead of generating random status effects on items, make different sets of items that pertain to certain groups of abilities (or a single ability). For example, erectshroom maybe gives attack, and balls shroom defense (or however you want to categorize it).

5. I don't know if it was intended, but infinite arrows is very overpowered.

Other than that I really do think this game already has a good base built. I think it has a lot of potential and I look forward to seeing where this will go.

(1 edit) (+2)

about number 2 and 3:

2) Stamina system is pretty bothersome, I'd like to suggest more Invincible Frames for most of the Bosses, since as you said, the cursed sword just melt them all.  Or just reducing the attack speed of that weapon. 

3) The main reason according to the Dev about Nene laying eggs instead of an actual baby, is to avoid problems with platforms like Steam due to the inclusion of actual children in the game. 


I see what you mean about number 3. However, a stamina system wouldn't be that difficult. I've made something like that when I was programming a modded Spigot server for Minecraft. All you have to do is keep track of what the player does and adjust the stamina accordingly.

I suppose if he doesn't want to do that though, it's his choice. I just think it would be interesting.


It's possible to introduce a stamina system, so I may add it in the future👍


The battle against Momo will be a long-term battle if I don't use the red sword. It's very difficult for me to keep avoiding Momo's barrage in the long term. I worry a little that I won't be able to beat Momo without damage if the red sword weakens by some kind of new system.

What's the point of a boss if there is no challenge? I'm sure it will still be doable. He won't make it impossible.

Making a game more difficult/frustrating by adding more ability restrictions like a stamina meter, doesn't make it more fun.  The complete opposite, actually.

Most people play games to escape pointless obstacles and just enjoy a fantasy scape instead.  If you need a challenge to produce endorphines, stick with reality.  Real life is a horror show - you'll love it.


Thank you for your lots of feedback!🤗

1. I'm planning to improve the underwater behavior in the future. At the same time, I'd like to add underwater enemies etc.

2.I would like to make Cynthia even stronger.

3.The current puppet system was added as an alternative representation of pregnancy. The reason is that actually dealing with it may not be allowed to be published due to regulations. Also, the puppet has the ability to take on the characteristics of the sperm side, but that is currently disabled.

4. I would like to add a basic stat to the item. And I would like to give such a stat to more items in the future.

5. yes, the arrow is very powerful. But there are times when its attack does not work.


I see. Sounds good!

How do you use the red sword against Cynthia..?  

(1 edit) (+1)

If you approach Cynthia when she tries to attack from overhead, you can attack with the sword.