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i really liked the game and the way you incorporated the limitation ,while not amazingly unique, really compliments the game. The only thing I found annoying was that I struggled to tell whether the player was standing on a block or not, it would have helped if there was a shadow that could project onto the surface of the block just to make it easier to see where the player was. Other than that it was a really cool game and you should  be proud of it. :)

Thank you! Since everyone complains about controls we are thinking about changin them to a standard one. We’ll see! Some shadow may be easy to add as well ;)

Going to be the first one to say, I had to get used to the controls for the first 10 seconds, after that, I liked the design choice, it added to the difficulty and uniqueness, I feel that without those controls, the levels would have to be made artificially harder, which would be no good imo.

Love the art, like love love love it.

(2 edits)

Interesting, well, those controls made it into final build just because our team really got used to it and felt like it’s pretty nice and challenging. We were a bit worried that it would lead to some frustratrion, but we didn’t expect taht it will be that massive, lol. We wanted controls to have this “easy to learn hard to master” feel, but looks like we overdone it. Maybe we will tweak some inertia values to make it more persise, don’t know. We’ll see. But definitely thank you for sharing your experience, it is super helpful!