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It seems really well made! Very scary premise, it seems perfect for a hardcore gamer who's into difficult platformers! I'm more of a casual gamer, so I thought  it was really hard to see at the beginning and I wasn't sure of the controls. I read part of the instructions (very wordy, I find it that the message has to be very visual in games) but couldn't retain the controls. Sorry about that. It's the second time I see the idea of "holding your breath slows down time". In your project that seems to add up to the lighting difficulty and made the game experience scary, indeed! Congrats! 

Thanks for the feedback! I agree with everything you said. The game is definitely not for everyone, it is meant to be on the difficult side. Also, unfortunately, we didn't have the chance to make a proper visually appealing and concise instructions section - or a tutorial level for that matter -, we will be adding that in the next version.