good morning, thanks for playing! there's a lot here so i'll tackle them all now
it's bound to "`" on QWERTY boards, which is right next to "1" and "Q". probably different on Ze German Keyboards, but you're right that it can easily become inconvenient for non-US keyboard owners.
>The Spell I got was through my Wand, so maybe that has to do with it. Also it still says every level increases Slots, but you don't gain a slot per point of Int.
yes, i posted about this a few times. since the weapon gives you the spell access, when you stow the weapon on your back you lose access. the issue here is if you swap back to the wand, the spell isn't re-selected. i'll add that in the future.
>Savegame Button stopped working once I entered Floor 2. Couldn't open the Savescreen anymore.
Saving is awful and I wouldn't wish it upon any man
>A special Enemy in the Bossfloor, really?
I think Bloodguard has been there since DD 46 or so? it's been a while
> is there some issue with random algorithm or is this intended?
pure random, just unlucky rolls. better than getting all Slow books
> Great Savesystem, huge improvement from last Time.
>Nice Cultist Lore. But why does she have a Hitbox blocking my Projectiles when dead?
oops, i didn't know she did that. will fix.
>Went through a Door, got Stuck. Couldn't move into the Room further, couldn't move back out through the Door, only left and right a tiny bit.
yeah, i had a quick navmesh fix in the new build (as i've read you discovered). will need to work on that more soon
>Killed Vedomot,
you're the second person to have her in your run! how nice. read her name backwards!
>Assuming the Frostpriests are also resistent to magic, this run failed because of the Focus on Wands. Thats fine.
they have evasion, like the Unseen guys. trick is to have a ranged weapon and quickswap to a melee one when they're the only ones left alive
>This Time Floor 1 is littered with Golems, and I found a no return Stairs, are both of these intended? Also couldn't interact with the Stairs. And no Well. So my 1 Potion isn't going to get me Far. Tons of Golems in melee focused on early Levels really is tough.
not sure what you mean?
Floor 1 being the starting floor, so golems are Maulers? No return stairs? what is this referencing? And the next-level stairs were uninteractable? not sure what's going on here.
>Could place a Manapotion on the 2 right Tiles of a Book, and afterwards when picking up a Healthpotion from my Inventory that one disappeared. Happened only once tho.
oh, an inventory bug? it's been a long time since i saw one. i assume this might have something to do with the other issues - most likely something broke when recreating your character or clearing your inventory, which messed everything else up because spaghetti code and unity exceptions don't gel well
>Killed Shadowstep from the Sewers before the Boss, now I'm locked into walking slowly. Without Potions and slowwalk, died to Boss. Time for another Run.
stuck walking slowly? Shadowstep is a random (procgenned) boss, i assume with a +Cold attack modifier. did the cold slow never fade away? strange..
>This Time I can get into the save menu, select and rename a File, but not confirm the saving. Either overwriting or regular saving.
I hate saving so much it's unreal
thanks for playing and for the detailed review. as i mentioned before, this build needed (a lot) more time in the oven. i hope the next, more stable iteration fixes these problems.