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Fun game! I'm not sure how, but I clipped into a building and was beaten to death...

(playing on controller in the browser)

don't have much to add that other's haven't said... 

  • everything makes sense
  • controls feel good (when I don't try to do a loop-dee-loop
  • swooping feels like maybe I should go faster
  • pumping the flap button while not turning seems the most effective for gaining speed, though it feels mainly forward and not upward at all (which would make a bit more sense and be nice for tighter turns)
  • occasionally the music hitches if I change tabs, then fixes itself after a while

Good luck with the rest of it!

when I don't try to do a loop-dee-loop

Did it feel weird for you? Others have liked doing loops.

Thanks for playing!

I only tried once, I think there was a bit of a gimble lock effect while looking straight up that made it weird (like the camera would rotate unnaturally fast to keep the ground below you)

probably doesn't  matter tho, unless your gonna add a reason to do loops