I am writing this review for the 2nd time so it will be (much) shorter
I am fairly sure you saw my feedback on the thread, so I will just say that this feels good
I am impressed by you, enginedev
Only thing I can really complain about is that the bouncing off of walls in the center of the map makes me die fast since i just bump from wall to wall
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BATTY VAMPS's itch.io pageComments
I wanted to try recording video commentary of this game, but I just couldn't make it work on linux, sorry. It looks like you got plenty of feedback, so I am sure you are going to be fine.
Fun game! I'm not sure how, but I clipped into a building and was beaten to death...
(playing on controller in the browser)
don't have much to add that other's haven't said...
- everything makes sense
- controls feel good (when I don't try to do a loop-dee-loop
- swooping feels like maybe I should go faster
- pumping the flap button while not turning seems the most effective for gaining speed, though it feels mainly forward and not upward at all (which would make a bit more sense and be nice for tighter turns)
- occasionally the music hitches if I change tabs, then fixes itself after a while
Good luck with the rest of it!
Played with a controller. Got up to Wave 13. I was surprised at how buttery smooth the control were. It would be great to see this concept developed further.
Excellent concept, really smooth to play as long as you use a gamepad. I presume we're at 'proof of concept' level, and you're looking where to take this. Something like a 90-degree yaw on the shoulder buttons would be nice for doing the 'dramatic tight gaps between buildings' thing. Further down the line, maybe a speed boost for a 'dive' , and a little more fluidity on the animations and all that, but I think that's way off for now. Carry on! Great little tech demo.
Very neat idea, I like it. I think only the effect of flapping your wings needs work, as popping up when you do it doesn't feel right. Experiment with adding speed instead. Add in the work on the animations and you can have a banger.
pretty fun after you get used to the controls. my main complaint is that i tried several times to immelmann but because of the way the camera works once you are upside down then the controls are inverted. it`s also not possible to roll without turning so i kinda missed those moves. loops still works because it puts you back with `belly down` without the need to roll. once i gave up on the immelmann and used only high-yoyos for changing direction then it became almost like flying. tbh it`s a bit strange that without flapping the wings i could always just glide upwards without coming to a stop.
you could probably get more value out of it by procgening some bigger levels with overhangs, its fun to fly under structures
It's funny because on one hand I want to distance Batty Vamps from plane simulators. My desire is to make it distinctly how a bat flies, not an airplane. One the other hand, when I try to figure out how to make stuff work, I tend to just take inspiration from my limited experience with flight sims.
Overall my desire is to make an approachable 'arcade' bat flying game rather than a flight sim. So that's why I made the call to combine rolling and turning, and other decisions.
My intention was to make Immelmanns automatic. Once you're on your back I wanted batty to automatically roll around. But I see now that it only does that if you're a little to one side or the other.
tbh it`s a bit strange that without flapping the wings i could always just glide upwards without coming to a stop.
Right now batty has a constant forward (technically not always forward, the acceleration biases towards where you're turning) acceleration of 50 units per second^2 so she'll beat gravity and never stall. This isn't ideal, I wanted flapping to be the primary driver so it would feel more real. But I just couldn't get it right and took the easy way out. Hopefully someday I'll revisit.
you could probably get more value out of it by procgening some bigger levels with overhangs, its fun to fly under structures
I was planning on handcrafting a city, but I won't rule out procgen. Overhangs are a good idea, I definitely want more interesting structures to fly between. Your drone maps are a good example!
This is really fun, I like it. I made it to Wave 5 a couple of times. The controls feel pretty good, no complaints there. I think what this game needs is humans moving in splines instead of straight lines from point to point. It's pretty easy to intercept them once they pick a direction.
I haven't played the original, but playing as a bat is not something you see often.
Game feels nice and I'm glad it has controller support. Music and the desaturated colors give it an... "odd atmosphere" (in a positive way).
A couple times I got stuck inside buildings and kept losing health, probably related to the bat's collision lol.
I remember when this was 2d
It feels much better with another dimension
Got to wave 6. Flying controls are a bit janky but it was fun to figure them out. My first instinct was to look for an "invert y"option, but in the end I got used to it anyway. Going straight up gets pretty weird, might be related to euler angles instead of quaternions or something (I had this stuff figured out for my filesize jam game but now I forgot).
I know that the endless waves are temporary, but in my opinion even just for a demo you should make so it's not so open ended. You could just set a target number of waves, and when the player gets there show the vampire girl and print "thanks for playing". You can even give an option to continue anyway after that, it's just a way to give an objective and to make the player feel he got something out of his time.
I thought the orbs worked well enough for ui, no complaints there.
I think mipmaps on textures and/or antialiasing would make it look better, but I don't actually know anything about 3D.
Flying controls are a bit janky but it was fun to figure them out. My first instinct was to look for an "invert y"option, but in the end I got used to it anyway. Going straight up gets pretty weird
Was there anything else that made it feel janky besides wanting y inverted or going straight up? Did you use controller, mouse, or keyboard to control?
Going straight up gets pretty weird, might be related to euler angles instead of quaternions or something
There's definitely some parts of the game where I use euler angles in a funky way, off the top of my head the crashing spins and recovering from the crashing spins are using some suspect euler calculations which are not 100% right. But I think flying straight up feeling bad comes down to the camera not knowing where to go and my code not deciding if it wants to flip you over or let you keep going.
I think mipmaps on textures and/or antialiasing would make it look better
Yeah it's super aliased, if you played in browser it's totally horrible. Probably some kind of scaling thing I haven't got a handle on. On Windows I actually like the aliased look because it makes me nostalgic for early 2000s PC games. But I should put my nostalgia aside and figure out how to get some AA at some point.
but I don't actually know anything about 3D.
You and me both pal!
Thanks for playing.
>Was there anything else that made it feel janky besides wanting y inverted or going straight up? Did you use controller, mouse, or keyboard to control?
I started with mouse and I couldn't figure it out at all, then I switched to controller after. The way sharp turns worked was a bit confusing at first but not necessarily bad
It's pretty much the same as the 2D Version. With the same Issues. Movement is too tough for tight Levels and turns I think, collision for the Bat is pretty big, its missing Animations for sucking, and generally just flying through People is a bit boring.
But it seems to be working bug-free so thats something.
A couple of things:
>The movement being forced with always going forward makes it very hard to control. The movement is very shit with how it is, please change it, it is annoyingly bad to play and I don't want to play more the way it is.
>Make the ability UI a bit different like a bat icon
- Don't use the same type of UI element for two different things (health bar and ability cooldown).
- Not a fan of the wave-based gameplay. Why are these people randomly running around? Do they know there's a vampire flying around as a bat killing people? Why do more of them show up after you kill a group?
- The bat doesn't control anything like a real bat. Bats don't glide, and they don't have to actively think about flapping their wings just like people don't have to think about moving their legs. It also doesn't make any sense to take damage from touching the ground or flying into a wall at low speed. Just look up some videos of bats flying.
Don't use the same type of UI element for two different things (health bar and ability cooldown)
True, it's a lazy meme UI. Down the line I anticipate having multiple abilities so those will probably migrate down to WoW style cooldown icons.
Not a fan of the wave-based gameplay.
You and me both pal! This isn't my 'grand vision' for the game, it's just the bare minimum to provide a gameplay objective. This is basically the prototype stage at this point. Better (or any) AI is a big future goal.
[Bats] don't have to actively think about flapping their wings just like people don't have to think about moving their legs
This one I gotta push back on. Yes if I'm running on a flat surface then I don't think about moving my legs. But what if I'm running on a trail in the woods? Then I'm making sure I don't trip on roots, I'm stepping over rocks and logs and ruts. It's not 100% of my focus but I have to notice it and adapt. I think that's probably what it's like if a bat is flying and chasing down a bug. So I'll defend having a "flap" button.
But overall I do agree the flying isn't as bat-like as I would like it. I tried to get something more in that vein but it's tough to get the camera right if the player is raising and lowering their elevation like a bat flits around in the sky. Also it was tough to base the acceleration/velocity on flapping action rather than a constant 'forward' velocity. I think it's fun to fly right now but I hope to make it more distinctive in the future.
Reached wave 6. I have no video since my laptop has issues recording chrome windows.
First I tried playing with the mouse. I felt drunk. I believe the bat's movement is decided by the position of the cursor on the screen instead of its speed/aceleration, since leaving the mouse still made the bat fly erratically. Doing sharp turns was almost impossible too, since that meant losing control. I managed to touch one person with it though, nice wilhelm scream.
Then I tried keyboard and things went much much smoother. Catching people became a lot easier and I was consistenly able to adjust my trajectory and suck blood. I lost thanks to doing risky manouvers and crashing on the floor and buildings. It was a nice run though and the game run well on my machine.
Finally the thumbnail has anime girl vampires. Where are the anime girl vampires?
I believe the bat's movement is decided by the position of the cursor on the screen instead of its speed/aceleration, since leaving the mouse still made the bat fly erratically. Doing sharp turns was almost impossible too, since that meant losing control.
Yeah that's how I implemented it. My thought was that if it's speed/accel based then it would be hard to do long banked turns because you'd have to keep moving the mouse? I'll experiment though because it is way worse than keyboard.
the thumbnail has anime girl vampires. Where are the anime girl vampires?
I still need to learn Blender please understand (Also I haven't figured out any gameplay purpose for Batty's human form).
Thanks for playing!
If it's flying like a plane, might be nice to have some stalling/nosediving sorts of mechanics, maybe some way to boost vertically or forward.
I sort of want to distance the flying from being how a plane flies. The more it feels uniquely like a bat flying the better. But I do have plans to add in a nosedive/divebomb mechanic and an "airbrake" mechanic for more manuverability. Boosting in some form would be good, it's always more exciting to go faster.
Let's be real, I just came here to ask "3d batty vamps girl form when"
I still need to learn Blender please understand (Also I haven't figured out any gameplay purpose for Batty's human form).
Thanks for playing!
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