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Im going to put my thoughts about how i felt on the romance/friendship paths here if thats okay, if not i can delete this.

First things first. I loved seeing them in their casual outfits, (Seeing ruwin GOODLORD). Okay now onto how i felt onto their specific paths. 

Ruwin: I don't have any complaints about his romance path, honestly seeing him act not like his usual self was nice, i especially love how the other characters interact with each other compared to their lord lol.

Katnir: I was the most shocked with his romance route, seeing him freak out and ask if we were serious, to me it seem really out of character when he was so usually calm, it was little jarring for me but i thought it was funny.

Lor: I found him so cute when he brought us to the first area, how he gushed about how he felt. I also found his past interesting, I'm also wondering if were going to meet anyone connected his past later on.

Samuel:It was comfy vibes all around, and when I chose the gummy that represented him, the response was very SO cute gah my heart.

Beisel: Honestly the only one in the group that gave us me a normal date lol so she's gets plus points xD. I know we had to talk about the other Li's problems before we did anything more than that, I'm excited to see how they change and our relationships change with them.

Beileph: Gosh this man such a mess lol, i can understand why his sister talks him about like that, I can't wait to see him melt from the LORDS LOVE or friendship.

I loved that we started the relationship slowly, with handshakes and we had choice to not do so if we wanted to (I CANT WAIT TO SEE THEIR FACES WHEN WE KISS). It would also be nice if we could somehow see the scenes again, like a option in the church or something for people like me who have shat memory. Take my opinion with a giant spoon of salt as I am very biased (cough ruwin). GOOD LUCK ON UR OTOME JAM 

Idk if this is a bug or not or if im just dumb probably that, for the choice of whether to convince Beileph, i went to the area where he was and got the event scene with him, then after i went back i kept getting repeat scene where he was busy, i had literally no idea what to do next lol, i thought maybe going to sewers and fighting beasts would make him interested in me lol, i also went to the merchant guild but no avail, and the church room thingy wasn't there, so i thought i might be soft locked, so I loaded another saved and switched to Beisel route.


Oh gosh! Thank you so much for your feedback~ It bring me so much joy to know someone has made it that far, lol. And I'm glad you are liking Ruwin, ( ah, he really doesn't give a crap about anyone's opinion but the protagonist and I'm glad you picked up on that.) Earth types (like Katnir and Beileph) tend to take longer to open up. Katnir likes to play it cool, but he's hasn't faced his past traumas yet, so he's probably one of the messiest of these romances at the end of the day.  About Beileph's route being possibly glitched,  I wonder if you got to the dialogue where you meet Beileph at the bestiary and he's dressed casually. After walking you out, he realizes that that he should of spent time getting to know you better and asks for another chance. If so then that is currently the end of his romance route atm (just the idea of other people existing is a big step for a socially inept, work-obsessed nerd like him, haha).  If you didn't see this, I'm wondering if you might be able to recall what happened in the event you mentioned? I'm thinking about your suggestion for 'saving' your bond scenes in the future. Perhaps I should investigate how to make a gallery collection style option at the main menu. I don't really mind people replaying the scenes to see what other dialogue is available as well.

For the beileph thingy, i didn't mean his romance/friendship event, I meant the three choices u get to pick in the church room for which sibling u convice to help u before the war thingy, sorry about the misunderstanding.


Ahh! Thank you so much for clarifying! I was able to find it. Apparently it was missing a bunch of stuff that was supposed to link the two options together and so it was just a dead end >_< It should flag properly now, for anyone who is stuck in that spot if they revisit the bestiary and try to talk to Beileph again.