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I assume the issue is a difference in python versions between my Mac and the Mac you tested on, or a permissions issue as alluded to, however the multiverse pod did not generate a json, and generated an exception as follows (the multiverse pod was still in my inventory, but the items are gone, so I will reload):

I’m sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code: File “game/03_GAME.rpy”, line 58, in script call call navigate() from _call_navigate File “game/500_navigator/510_navigate_ship.rpy”, line 391, in script call call use_item(_return[1], useItem) from _call_use_item File “game/600_interact/600_interact_room.rpy”, line 17, in script call call multiverse_manager() from _call_multiverse_manager_1 File “game/650_trading/650_cargo.rpy”, line 351, in script python: File “game/650_trading/650_cargo.rpy”, line 352, in <module> with open(config.gamedir + “/multiverse_pod.json”, “w”) as f: IOError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: u’/private/var/folders/mw/yrrc29fd5sg72b7hrkg7hxg80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E26CC3E5-FC43-4033-A0B7-C4F14B796AAD/d/’

– Full Traceback ————————————————————

Full traceback: File “game/03_GAME.rpy”, line 58, in script call call navigate() from _call_navigate File “game/500_navigator/510_navigate_ship.rpy”, line 391, in script call call use_item(_return[1], useItem) from _call_use_item File “game/600_interact/600_interact_room.rpy”, line 17, in script call call multiverse_manager() from _call_multiverse_manager_1 File “game/650_trading/650_cargo.rpy”, line 351, in script python: File “/private/var/folders/mw/yrrc29fd5sg72b7hrkg7hxg80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E26CC3E5-FC43-4033-A0B7-C4F14B796AAD/d/”, line 928, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, File “/private/var/folders/mw/yrrc29fd5sg72b7hrkg7hxg80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E26CC3E5-FC43-4033-A0B7-C4F14B796AAD/d/”, line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode exec(bytecode, globals, locals) File “game/650_trading/650_cargo.rpy”, line 352, in <module> with open(config.gamedir + “/multiverse_pod.json”, “w”) as f: File “/private/var/folders/mw/yrrc29fd5sg72b7hrkg7hxg80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E26CC3E5-FC43-4033-A0B7-C4F14B796AAD/d/”, line 94, in compat_open return python_open(*args, **kwargs) IOError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: u’/private/var/folders/mw/yrrc29fd5sg72b7hrkg7hxg80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E26CC3E5-FC43-4033-A0B7-C4F14B796AAD/d/’

Darwin-19.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Ren’Py Space Journey X 040_c1

(1 edit)

Your suggestion to move the application to the desktop removes the error of when using the device to store the save. However, a json is not created either on the desktop, or the location of the save files in the RenPy directory (subdirectory of the Library)

So, it seems I will have to restart from scratch when I have the patience.

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The json is in the folder named "game" inside the game folder (one level "above" saves folder). You might have to use right click "show package contents" on the app file to get there.
I know, that is bad design to write inside the app but I couldn't figure out to access game library / save paths on OSX properly yet...
Will fix that in future and relocate it to the saves folder

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, I see it now, thanks.

Out of curiosity, what was the motivation for setting it up this way in the first place, as opposed to allowing continuity of saves between versions, much like other RenPy games?

With unfinished design (procedural hierarchy of modules, call sequence, ...) of the game I cannot solve the "continuity of process" problem for renpy saves and resumes, so the pod is a kind of data continuity crutch.
I took your hint and in V0.6. at  saved the multiverse pod file in the generic save game path, so it is automatically found be new versions and eliminates access issues.

It seems odd that the write permissions to ones own app would error out if in a directory, but work if in the Desktop directory. Sound like there is a bug somewhere in the callstack.

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I was lazy in just dumping it into the app location on OSX. Bad practice, but Win usually doesnt care.
Fixed with V0.6 (see post above)

In V0.5, I happened to accept two missions at different times while both are active at the distance 50 point. When the first mission came due, I tried to use the location but it said there was nothing to do.

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Never happened before.

>> Mixup? lltari? -> Thats the Planet, not the station.

>> Wrong stuff loaded? Not enough loaded for full delivery?

>> Wrong nav point?

>> Can't think of any other reason...

>> Maybe load both mission items and try (the it would be a bug indeed)?

Otherwise: Just fail the mission and it will purge.

The distance point. Sorry, I think it was the 100. I first succeeded in a mission in the large asteroids, then accepted one mission at the point. While that was active, I accepted a second one.

When the first came due, I couldn’t collect. When the second came due, I couldn’t collect it either.

Does the game allow you to sell items required for missions? If so, that is the likely cause. It prevents sell all, but I had cargo of the same type, so I sold individual amounts.

The Nav points are still on the map after fail, is this as designed?

sell all blocks consigned amount, sell single overrides.

The nav points sticking around is only a cosmetic issue

What helped one other used with the same issue is to drag the game app to the desktop and then try it from there.
(better and more safe than nuking whole folders with chmod...)

I develop the game on: Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0 / RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64 arm