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Snadow, i write to you the same as to Dc/hc/FC nina, it's the same answer for both, but I want to make sure you read it:

Friend, I don't pretend to please anyone, I just want to please God, and I do that by preaching the truth, if everything were relaxation, no one would think about what really matters, and for that I give my "religious" speeches as you would call it, so that they think about what would happen if they die today, if they will go to heaven or hell, in N1, death is only a setback, but you have to see the reality, that life is only one, (although Jesus gives it eternally if we accept him as our savior) and we must "remember our Creator in the days of our youth" Ecclesiastes 12:1 says so: And remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the bad days come, and the years come, of which you say, I have no contentment in them; I just want you to know the truth, and remind yourself of it from time to time.

im not christian tho

Dear Sandow,

I know you're not a Christian, but tell me something...

What hope do you have after death? Narrow one? Good works?

None of that will help you Snadow, I'm telling you this as a fellow Snadow, we were together in N1 for years, and I want you to know the truth, and the truth is Jesus (Saint John 14:6), nothing else will save you Snadow, Jesus died for your sins, and for mine, and for those of all humanity, "so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

Sandow, think about what I'm telling you:

If you die today...

What would happen?

If I die, I die, I really couldnt care less, im basically dead already

wdym by basically dead already?

Its a quote by tommy shelby-haha nothing serious

I'm glad. I was worried about you for a bit.

From what you say, if you die, you will go to hell, ETERNAL damnation, you can avoid it, you just have to believe that Jesus is the Christ, who died for your sins, and that God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved.

Because Romans 10:9 says:

That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Snadow, one day YES OR YES you will give an account to God of what you did with your life, and God, if you did not believe in Jesus as your Savior, WILL DAMN YOU ETERNALLY.

If you believed in Jesus as your Savior, you have no condemnation, because IT IS WRITTEN, in Romans 8:1 "Now therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"

Believe the Lord Jesus, Snadow, he died for your sins, he grants you salvation, you only have to ask him for forgiveness of your sins, believe that he died on the cross, and that he rose again on the 3rd day, from that moment, you will be SAVED.

i aint asking anyone for forgiveness, im not a pussy in the face of death XD

Ok, Sandow, you say you're not afraid of death, right?

Well I'll tell you something:

Death is VERY POWERFUL and could come at any moment, and tell me:

what will you do? Shoot arrows at him? Attack him with fearless sword?

That will NOT help you, death will laugh at you, and will take you with it, to HELL, with the devil, to the lake OF FIRE.

But I guess you're not afraid "and that you're not a fagot"

Tell me, when you give an account to God in the condemnatory court... what will you tell him?

"Oh, God, Nobody ever told me about your Son, I didn't know"

And do you know what God will answer you?

will tell you:

And what about when Clint Barton told you about my son? You rejected him, you did not accept him, and he spoke to you, and you tell me that no one preached to you?

"And then I will protest to them: I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers." (Matthew 7:23)

"Then he will also say to those who will be on the left: Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and for his angels" (Matthew 25:41)

Tell Me Sandow

What will you do when you are in hell, and you realize that it is too late to accept Jesus as your Savior?

Sandow, you will not be able to justify yourself before God, no one can by himself, you say that you do not need someone to forgive your sins, and tell me:

If you were in an ocean, soon to die, and a ship dropped you a life preserver, would you accept it?

I think so, we all would.

The forgiveness of sins is the same:

You are lost in sin, but Jesus throws you a lifeline, now the decision to accept it is in you.

If the devil wants me, he can take me, I dont care, also Im not christian so I dont belive in this

Even if you don't care abt this I still feel really sad for you. You can ignore us if you want though.

nah, this is your belief, Im not gonna say its wrong or anything, but personally, I dont belive it

man u just qouted the entire bible and no one bothers to care