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(1 edit)

Alright, where to start... This is a fun "E for Everyone" game. Fast and fun, there's a sense of achievement when you level up that's really nice, specially with the current choice of sfx. Since i mostly seen people using the chicken on streams and i love cats more, i tried the cat, and had a blast with it. The models of all the animals are lovely, and the difficulty on the bosses are really good, even if you don't play with the difficulty levels and just leave it as default, it is well made. 

Overall, the game is really fun and enjoyable, from 0 to 99 ys old for sure. There's a few things i can suggest or maybe is just me that would like to see

- My understanding is that Biomes are on the works, but maybe changing between seasons as you kill the bosses, or a slight change (Like the same map but with fire and an orange post-process maybe to emulate you are in a fire environment, something like that)

- Having day and night too will be fun, or maybe in the future add a nightmare mode :p 

-Skins are always welcome, i could see the cat with a halloween costume lol

- music is fun, having different music choices will also be a nice addition.

Bottom line, this sure is a 5/5 game and great to release stress on a monday morning filled with work emails :p


Thanks for playing, and for your valuable comments! I'm glad you played the cat and enjoyed it!

  • Changing biomes in between stages is a good idea! I don't have a great way to do that currently, but it's something I'll think about. I have given some thought to change parts of the biome at least (e.g., less green trees, more yellow trees, other things spawn etc). Post-processing could be really cool, I need to look into that (and learn it)
  • I love the idea of day and night, that might be a good way to vary how the biome looks when the dragons appear! I'll play around with that, thanks for the suggestion!
  • I created a Halloween biome last Halloween for the Alpha demo! That biome was set to night time with more lighting effects, and I'm looking to do something like that more in other biomes too. The player creatures did have costumes! :)  The Alpha demo still currently playable on Steam if you're interested)  I highly recommend giving the Alpha demo a try and let me know how you feel about it! That biome hasn't been moved over to the Beta playtest yet since I'm planning to re-release it closer to Halloween this year, but suggestions for that biome are very highly welcome.
  • Different music options is a good idea :)