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Atas Fun
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I played this game on my stream (VOD).
Overall, this game was fun but made me very anxious, so I could only play so many levels in one sitting. It reminded me of Heave Ho, which is a co-op game I loved playing with my family. Somehow, this game gave me more anxiety though, I'm not sure why..
I had fun through the levels though the controls were a little hard to grasp (pun intended). I sometimes would click the wrong mouse button to launch the grappling hook or jump, but it was ok overall.. Maybe with a controller and the left/right trigger it might work better.
One suggestion I have is to have a way for the player to view the entire map. Sometimes I didn't know where the exit was or where I had to go, so I had to swing blindly and see where I ended up. If I played a level enough, I would eventually learn where things were, so why not have a map or a way to move the camera around while keeping the player still from the get-go? :) That might make the game easier for the player to plan their moves.
Another suggestion is a way to jump off walls. I had a few instances where I was grappled to a vertical wall, and I was unable to swing much, since if I hit the hall my inertia would stop, and I couldn't "bounce" off the wall. In the last stage I was at, it caused me to die since there was really nothing I could do to climb back up the corner. Maybe there was another way? but being able to swing my way up would be nice.
I played this game on my stream (VOD) and you were there too!
Overall, I really enjoyed playing this game! It definitely gave me Slay the Spire vibes. I'm not a big StS player, and I've only sometimes made it to the first boss, and more often than not, die before then.
In this game, I made it to the boss on the first run (yay!) and had quite a bit of fun doing so. I liked the variety of the cards, and the explanations on the tooltips were generally sufficient that I understood what was happening with the monsters, and what each card would do.
Fun game, and I might continue to play it after FB7! :)
I'll be streaming in a few minutes at: Here are the games I will be playing:
- Northanda Chronicles:
- Swift Swinger:
- (if I have time) The Rifter:
I plan to play each game for ~30 minutes :) See you there!
Games played: 21
[VOD] Pouchie the Cat | CHAIR Champions | Forest Farming | Cat Clicker | Endless Runner
[VOD] Dave the Duck | Randy & Manilla | Potatostrike | Super Puzzled Cat
[VOD] Cyborg Corgi | Dodge the Bomb
[VOD] Boomerang Jack | Raia Nova
[VOD] Vortexia | The Long Road Home | Noyade | Chronomon | Pigeon Game | Clockwork Climb
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
Overall, I had a lot of fun! The game reminded me of Lemmings. I played a couple of levels on Normal difficulty (I think), and it was fun trying to get the bonus gear before getting all 3 birds to their clock. When I failed a level, most of the time I knew it was my own fault for drawing lines in the wrong place.
I think this would be a fun mobile game where you can use your hands to draw the lines, though I wonder if having to scroll the screen etc would be an issue.
On the PC (where I played), there was a few times that I felt like I wasn't drawing lines where I intended, either the lines were starting or stopping early. It could have been my control of the mouse, or something, but might be worth looking into if others found the same issue.
Fun game!
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
I liked the concept of the game, being a pigeon gathering food to lay an egg. I couldn't tell if there were explicit levels or they were all randomly generated, and after a few levels it seems like the gameplay was repetitive. Essentially, I would need to wander a little away from the nest to an area that had a bunch of food, eat enough so I have more than enough for an egg, then make it home while eating things along the way. If there were rats nearby then I should try to avoid them.
I think more gameplay mechanics, and/or explicit levels would be a great addition to the game!
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
I was really looking forward to this game, since I'm a huge fan of Stardew Valley (and others in its genre) and I've played a bit of Pokemon (though not a huge fan of the genre).
However, I couldn't make it past the tutorial. I seem to have hit a bug or soft lock at the part where I need to get my monster to press the button so I could get out. You can check the VOD to see my attempts.. the door didn't open whether I stood on the button, or my monster did, and I couldn't get out :(
I would be open to trying this game again once the bug is fixed!
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
Overall, the graphics are really pretty, but I had a lot of trouble really doing anything in the game. I think the game would benefit from a more guided tutorial.
For example, after the instructions to follow the butterfly, I lost track of the butterfly and had to random wander around. It might be good to have the butterfly fly ahead of the player, then wait around (maybe sniff a flower) until the player gets closer, then it flies off again. When I eventually found the butterfly, I guessed that I'd need to light the torch it was flying above, but I couldn't figure out how to light the torch.
I wandered around and eventually got out of bounds. The out of bounds effect caused me to feel some motion sickness which wasn't good. Also, the camera has a bob when the player is not moving, and that also causes motion sickness for me. When I'm controlling the player, it seems ok, but stopping was a no-go (pun intended). I highly recommend disabling the camera bob or at least having an option to do so.
I found some puzzle-like box somewhere as well, but couldn't figure out how to interact with it. I pressed all the keys on my keyboard, all the buttons on my gamepad, but nothing happened. Later on, I found a crafting table thing, but I had no recipes as well.
I think this game has potential (it's really pretty!) but needs much baking :)
I played this game on my stream (VOD) and you were in the stream too :)
Overall, I had lots of fun! The puzzles were autogenerated and had a lot of variety in them. The tutorial was good and explained each mechanic one at a time so I didn't feel overwhelmed, and by the time I started the game itself, I understood how things worked more or less.
In the game itself, I'm not sure if a lower density of objects makes it easier or harder for the game. I think I had quite a bit of trouble in one of the stages (maybe it was low or medium density), but I eventually solved it, and the sense of accomplish was great! I liked the variety in the number of items, buffs, debuffs etc, and it would be good for some items to give their benefits right away (e.g., the hourglass that adds 3 turns). For things like apples that give +8 energy, it might make sense to wait, since there are other items that give +40% energy (coffee iirc), so I'd want to have an apple then a coffee together.
For improvements, having some sort of player icon in a lower alpha might be good, or the tutorial could explicitly mention that the highlighted square is where I'm at, since initially I thought the home icon was where I'm at. Other than that, I think the game mechanics are great.
Another possibility might be to have a set of specific levels to go through that you've hand-curated or hand-created, so there is a definite increase in difficulty and progression. After which, players can play the random mode.
I'll be streaming now at: Here are the games I will be playing:
- Vortexia:
- The Long Road Home:
- Noyade:
- ChronoMon:
I play to play each game for ~30 minutes :) See you there!
Hi, I'm one of the streamers / game dev of Feedback Quest 7. I downloaded the game demo from Steam, and started it up (before my stream to test it), but all I see is a grey screen. I can hear the music playing, and when I turn on the Steam Overlay, I seem to be able to see the title screen behind it (or at least the title). But once the Steam overlay is off, it's back to grey-only.
If you release a new version before the end of the jam, please let me know and I'll see if I can schedule it into another stream!
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
Overall, I liked the graphics and look of the game. Raia Nova is sort of like a Diablo-style game, and it was fun fighting the rats and other monsters.
I played until the first boss and got to the hub. I found that most of the item drops weren't better than my initial equipment (the swinging sword and fire thing). The heal-over-time was great, I used it a ton. I didn't use the sprint ring much, if at all, but I didn't really find a replacement till the end when I found a ring that would replenish my energy/mana. The other weapons/attacks I tried didn't seem that great (a stabby sword, a sun ray thing, an ice thing, throwing barrels), so maybe their damage and/or energy usage could be tweaked?
I found it a little difficult to dodge attacks, like I couldn't quite run away from the big slime monster things, but I had to do a bit of a kite thing to use my fire attack, and eventually I would stand there and bash them with my sword, then heal.
The upgrades with the level-up points was nice, there was a good tree of stuff to upgrade. I didn't quite know what all those things would do though. For example, does increasing my strength improve my sword damage? I think so, but I don't know.
On the UI side, I was using an XBox controller, but the icons on screen were for PS4 controllers, so I really didn't know what buttons did what until I tried them out. Also, in the skill upgrade screen and/or the inventory screen, there were pop-up windows that I couldn't navigate to using my controller, and I had to use my mouse to click on it. I think it was to purchase a relic slot.
Story-wise, it feels like the game has a lot of lore and backstory, but I never really got any of it? I think the game would benefit from a tutorial and introduction to the story and characters.
Overall, fun game, and I'd love to play more of it in the future!
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
Overall, the game was fun but difficult! I played on the normal difficulty but didn't get too far. The art was nice, but felt a little bit sluggish. For example, it was hard to really aim/time my kicks right. I did like the lb+rb zoom in to bash the enemy finisher move thing, it reminded me of Mortal Kombat.
The swinging mechanic took me a bit of time to understand, it might be good to have the next swing-able target to shown, and the current one be un-swingable. For example, if I'm attached to pillar A, and I want to swing to pillar B, sometimes I would end up detaching from A then re-attaching to A. The circular motion was also a bit fast, so it was hard to get quite right sometimes.
I defeated a miniboss (I think), and reached a part where I was supposed to hook enemies and bring them in? I couldn't figure out how to do that, and didn't really know where to go.
I'll be streaming at August 27, 2024 8pm Pacific Time at:
Here are the games I will be playing:
- Boomerang Jack:
- Raia Nova:
I plan to play each game for ~30 minutes :) See you there!
(shameless plug: I'm at 47/50 Twitch followers for Twitch affiliate, so I'd really appreciate your follows!)
I played this game on stream (VOD).
Overall, the game seems really hard to play and control.. and our best method of survival was actually to do nothing at all.. I think that way we survived 50+ seconds, and if we actually tried to jump, we would die in 20-30 seconds :)
I'd suggest tweaking the difficulty and spawning of the bombs, and maybe start off much easier and slowly increase the difficulty over time?
I played this game on stream (VOD).
This game is fun and addicting! It's kind of a mix between vampire survivors and snake. The controls definitely had a learning curve to it, but after a while there was maybe some muscle memory..
That being said, the game's difficulty may be tweaked too hard. I was on the "easy" difficulty, and couldn't make it past 4+ minutes without cheesing the game (more details on that later). I think that maybe fewer spawns and/or slower enemy movement and/or less damage might make sense on the easy difficulty?
About the cheesing.. my daughter found out that if we kept to the borders of the world (you can see our VOD for examples of us doing it), we can pretty much avoid most of the cats, up until the minibosses (?) that fire stuff at us. I'm not sure if that's the kind of gameplay you want to allow, but you might want to know that it's possible! :) We managed to survive 9+ minutes that way without leveling up at all.
I played this game on stream (VOD) and you were there :)
This game is so much fun! The graphics are so cute, the sounds are great, and the level design was great too! The gameplay mechanic of saving and loading state was also really nice.
I don't have much to suggest in terms of improvements.. this is one of the games that my daughter and I will want to play again, even after Feedback Quest.
I played this game on my stream (VOD) and you were there :)
Overall, this game is hard! I watched Hythrain play it and he made it look easy haha. I don't think I would have gotten far if not for the ghost potato being invulnerable :D
I really liked that there was a ghost potato that was invulnerable. It was a lot of fun killing the enemy ships that way.
The 3rd ship I tried, the one with rotating shields, was pretty fun to play too! I didn't notice that the outer shields would eventually get depleted though, so maybe changing the visual there a bit might help?
Fun game!
I played this game on my stream (VOD), and you were there too :)
Overall, we had a lot of fun playing this game! I think this is one of the game that we'll want to play even after Feedback Quest is over.
It was amazing how many different minigames there were that we encountered!
We were really happy that we could play as Manilla later on, though it would be nice to also be able to play her in the earlier levels with the bash and blast skills like we did with Randy.
During the last stage we were in (fighting the bad guy), it felt a little odd that we would change characters depending on who won the minigame. For example, we started with Manilla, but we lost the minigame, and we started controlling Randy. After Randy lost a minigame, we were controlling Manilla.
Also, you mentioned that if Randy & Manilla tied, then we would have to restart that level. I suggest having an odd number of minigames, or maybe letting the player choose who would move on to fight the boss.
Another suggestion for improvement is in the spaceflight part. Maybe have an autopilot for people who might have trouble like we did? I think we spent quite a while trying to find the original route and getting to the next point..
This is a really fun game, and kudos to you for all the hard work making the various different games and levels!
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
Overall, the graphics were really cute and the aesthetics fit together well. We had some trouble with the controls though. It seems that moving the right joystick on the gamepad doesn't rotate the camera, but for some reason, it rotates the axis of movement of the duck. For example, initially, the duck would move to the right when the left joystick moved to the right. After fiddling with the right joystick, the duck would move up/away from the screen when the left joystick move to the right.
The levels were also challenging, but it felt that a large part of the challenge was the viewing angle, and not necessarily the level itself. We recommend having the right joystick control the camera angle, and the left joystick affect the movement of the duck relative to the camera (e.g., moving the joystick right always moves the duck right on the screen).
I'll be streaming at August 25 at 8pm Pacific Time at:
Here are the games I will be playing later:
- Cyborg Corgi:
- Dodge the Bomb:
I plan to play each game for ~30 minutes :) See you there!
I'll be streaming with my daughter at August 24 2024, 2pm Pacific Time at:
Here are the games we'll be playing:
- Dave the Duck:
- Randy & Manilla:
- Super Puzzled Cat:
- Potatostrike:
We plan to play each game for ~30 minutes :) See you there!
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
I'd played an earlier version with the routing puzzle, and this was a different take on it. I really love the graphics and sounds (cute hedgehogs!). The new puzzle style is also nice, and I would have played more of the game if we weren't planning to stream other games!
Keep up the great work! :)
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
My daughter and I had lots of fun playing split screen. We found a few small bugs and I believe you've already fixed them.
We've also played the game before, and like it so much that we play it every time it's available on Feedback Quest :)
Nothing really to add, other than to keep up this great game and we look forward to playing it more!
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
I'd watch someone else play the game on their stream so I had some sense of what to expect. However, I turned out to be way worse at platformers. My daughter, who is much better at Mario, did better than me. Overall, we enjoyed playing the game.
I don't know if having limited lives is necessary for the game though. I understand that in retro games (like Mario) there are limited lives, but running out of lives would be really sad and would stop me from replaying everything.
Another comment I had was that the jumping felt a bit strange at times. I tried to run and jump, and sometimes I went farther than other times. It almost felt like I could control the jump in mid-air and land short sometimes, which caused many deaths :)
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
I found the game kind of hard to play, and kept dying a lot. I'm also pretty terrible at the Chrome dinosaur game..
That being said, sometimes the mobs would spawn in a pattern that I'm not sure if there's a way to avoid dying. Maybe moving left/right would help but I couldn't really figure it out.
Overall, fun, but maybe tweak the difficulty a bit so it ramps up slowly, and possibly adjust the spawns so it's always possible to jump over everything?
I played this game on my stream (VOD).
Overall, this game was fun! I'm a fan of clicker games, and had lots of fun clicking the cats. I played until I ran out of upgrades to buy :)
I really liked the sniper cat, since it could earn cash even if I didn't click. I also enjoyed the explosive cats; it was fun watching it do AOE damage to the other cats in the vicinity.
I found it a little difficult to click on the cats sometimes, and my hand got pretty tired after a while. It might be a good game for mobile, since it might be easy to press on the screen than move the mouse around.
I noticed that the purchase screen was to the right of the main game screen, which caused some cats to appear there. I don't know if it was intentional or a bug, but it was kind of fun to click on the cats that appeared there too.
The little easter eggs like clicking on the sunglasses of the merchant was a nice touch!
I'll be streaming at August 17, 2024 10:00 AM Pacific, with my daughter at: We will be playing the following games
- Pouchie The Cat:
- CHAIR Champions:
- Forest Farming:
- Cat Clicker:
We plan to play each game for ~30 minutes :) See you there!
Thanks for playing! Sorry, I forgot to reply to this post till now, I'm glad you enjoyed the story and gameplay! We changed the camera a bit during the dodge so hopefully it feels better now.
We've also just re-opened our playtest with a new build, featuring skill combos, unlimited levels, and a new minigame! Please feel free to try it out!