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Chill boat. Thumbnail gave me a bit of Second Life vibes. Game was a bit laggy on my computer, having an option to turn off motion blur or other visual features could have maybe helped. Anyways the bottom of the ocean looked really nice with the light refraction effect! And DAAAMN I became rich. Makes me only wonder where did she store all those treasures. Well done!

thanks for commenting! What kind of GPU do you have? Curious about the performance 

I have to double check when I get back to that computer next time. Anyways slightly older (2018 maybe) windows laptop


ah ok - probably an intel built in - no wonder performance isn't great. Will see if I can tweak some settings for lower end cards like this.

Thanks again for giving it a try!

Yup. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060

I was able to play it, but there was screen lag

ah ok yeah I thought I had squashed the settings enough for a 1060. Will keep that in mind for the next build!
Thanks again