Great plot, great twist. I would super enjoy watching this story unfold. (I always feel a bit bad in games blasting away a bunch of aliens who are probably just the local wildlife minding its own beeswax.) The robot protagonist and the whole initial setup are very appealing. And you've got an intriguing and well-chosen set of comp titles. It's a clear and well-structured GDD overall, and I particularly like that you've done your research on the theory side.
On the downside, I am not sold that this is a new genre. Like others have said, I see a Metroidvania with a cool plot--and cool it is, but no matter how cool the plot, it does not a genre make. And seeing that list of comps just makes me think that, if there are already nine games in this proposed genre, it's not new.
What you definitely have that is super intriguing is a new theory of game criticism. I would love to read a long-form essay exploring the idea of the perspective game. But that's another project for another time.