On reading your GDD I'll preface my comment saying I understand if time was a significant constraint; it was one for me too.
Your game does have elements of social deduction in combination with responsive/semi-intelligent dialogue. To make a truly "AI-powered" dialogue system may take much more work than using certain pre-defined values and "line pools" the characters can select from to add just enough variety through a game loop without being overbearing to manage/train.
The game makes me think of a combination of the Salem Witch Trials online game with (oddly enough) dating sim-esque dialog interaction and status adjustment features. I made a similar genre/game comparison or association in my doc so I can respect the parallels between those games and yours. However, much like how I tried to present mine perhaps it's not wholly a new genre.
The length of the gameplay loop is intriguing to note. It reminds me of an expected gameplay session time of most Turn-Based/RTS hybrid games like Total War.
The social events you have planned in your game system gives it good variety potential and gives many factors to consider. Though in that depending on how gameplay is or isn't tutorialized/introduced players may wander into it confused when they're getting backstabbed by the Duke of Doughnuts after they called him a "fat man" on the first night.
All this to say, I think this game has promise as a standalone title and good inspiration behind it! With a little more visual reference and gameplay loop walkthrough it can shape up to be something awesome!