Thanks a lot! Glad you noticed the Dark Souls vibes ahahah
For the issue with the web build could you tell me which browser and operating system are you using? I tested it on multiple devices and never got that kind of problem, just so i can investigate more and fix it!
For the hitboxes is strange because they are really small just precise around the player/enemy and swords, the hit system is very basic if the collider of the weapon hits the player/enemy collider damage will be applied (if the animation is playing of course) there is no damage done only when the enemy is doing the animation, for the music it has been a last minute add to be honest (even if at the end i really like the one i choosed) but i get what you mean, i will try to find (or eventually with my limitated music skill, make) a longer one with better loop that doesn't get annoying after long period of time, especially because the next updates are going to make the game a lot bigger and longer.
Once again thanks a lot for your feedback it has been super useful! I hope you could enjoy the game even with these flaw you encountered
(One last thing, did you try the native version? Just to know if you experienced the same problems)