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Great use of both theme and limitation. Good gradual introduction of mechanics. I appreciate that it eventually gets difficult enough that it took me a few tries to figure out. Liked the boss and different boss music. Two notes of feedback, I was seeing some slight tile tearing and jittering, usually that just requires messing with some tilemap properties to fix. Other thing is that I would recommend setting the music to play through multiple levels. Since the levels are pretty short I'm constantly hearing the first bit of the music rather than letting it loop all the way through. To do this, you just pass a game object playing music to DontDestroyOnLoad and manage its lifetime. But these are nitpicks, overall I really enjoyed this game. No major issues hampered my enjoyment and there was a solid amount of content for a game jam.

Thank you for playing and providing feedback.╰(*°▽°*)╯ In fact, the current way I play music is not simply binding the sound source to the spawn point of the monster and playing music when the spawn point is activated. I believe it is indeed necessary to create a global sound management component to handle sound instead of many individual ones. Thank you again for your feedback. By the way, the shaking of the tiles is intentional. In my framework, each tile is actually an independent entity, so it has great scalability.