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Thanks for playing, Andrzej.

Yeah, stretched a bit too thin, but these thing are remnants of the tool I used. I am not a programmer and wanted to focus on the storytelling and worldbuilding. I simply had no time to eliminate them from the game. But I know that this will hit me in the "theme" rating.

Would be nice to know more of your guys thinking at the start of the game, so I know what confused you.  As for the "movement" issues. That IS a dungeon crawler style of movement :) Try out both "Legend of Grimrock" games some time. Or The Bard's Tale trilogy on Steam.

 I am working on this type of game in my spare time and wanted to bash out something small with this gamejam to boost my motivations for it. 

Ah ok, I'm not familiar with the genre then. But yeah great stuff all around :D And yeah I hope this helped you get a better understanding and motivation for your big project :)