Love it. Great use of the Kenney assets and the music helped create a vibe. Something with screen wrapping was actually in my initial brainstorm for this theme, and I couldn't come up with anything I really felt great about. Now I'm sad I didn't realize that I didn't stick with that (although probably also happy because whatever I made probably would have looked like garbage next to this).
I like the chill vibe you're going for, and I think it works to an extent, but something feels a little creepy to me too? Like, the rusty chains, the emptiness of everything, and even just the cat room gave me an eerie vibe. No effect on ratings (I honestly liked the sorta creepiness that I got from it); just wanted to share. Might just be the messed up way my brain works.
Overall, really nice. Just generally mechanically, aesthetically, and thematically satisfying. Not much more I could ask for!