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I freaking love this, but I think I need to explain a bit.

The mechanic works nicely and I found that levels had enough variety to keep me going. I feel like it would be fantastic for mobile. I also dig the story; it's simple, but I think it hits on the theme, and kind of sets a strange, otherworldly tone for everything else.

To be brutally honest: the aesthetic is bizarre. The bright colors, public domain images, sea creatures, and weird font combinations completely clash and are really off-putting at first. And yet, something about it worked for me...? Like, I was legitimately in another dimension and shit just didn't make any sense. I don't know, but the more I played the more I loved it. The whole thing just gives a weird vibe, but I'm not above vibing with the weird. (Not sure if this was intentional or not, and I apologize if any of it comes across as harsh. Obviously, this stuff is pretty subjective, so if what I'm saying sounds nonsensical (as it frequently does), feel free to ignore completely.)

If I have a criticism, it's with the last (?) level where you're flying. (I'm not actually sure if it's the last. As of writing this I haven't beat it, although I think once I'm finished rating I might go back for some more...) Clicking and controlling with the arrow keys feels pretty terrible, at least to me, and I found it really difficult to click things while they were moving (maybe build in some "assist" there, so if you're just a little off, you still get it to pop; I don't know). I like how it shakes things up and keeps things interesting, but I think this stage of the game in particular could use some work (if, of course, you're still going to be working on this after the jam). 

Also, sometimes you could get caught in spots with no way out. I saw some other people mention some fixes to this that sound nice, so I won't linger much on this.

Anyway, sorry for a giant comment. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that this is one of my favorite entries that I've played so far, so I wanted to leave some thoughts and feedback with which you can do what you want. I'd love to see this expanded though. I'm not much of a bubble-popping game kind of guy, but this unexpectedly spoke to me on a spiritual level. This game confounds me.


I really appreciate your thoughtful and helpful feedback. I know the aesthetic is weird, which is a result of coming up with a workable idea for a 10 day game jam and then trying to build from there, steaming ahead, no looking back. Being limited to free assets is the reason for the old public domain art. I'm not much of an artist, so I had to figure something out. And the bright, garish colors went against my initial idea to make everything dark and gloomy and chthulian, but once I made the bubbles in bright, primary colors, I found the gameplay to be a little more satisfying. Again, thank you for both taking the time to play the game and to give such generous feedback!

And yes, the flying level is the last one, and I probably made that too difficult. Unfortunately, I found out that every one of my levels can be played on mobile except that last one, so I should probably get rid of it. Good luck with your projects!

Hey, I personally think the aesthetic still sort of works for a Lovecraft kind of vibe in a weird way to be honest. And again, I honestly love where the aesthetic ended up at anyway, even if it is weird. Glad my feedback didn't come across as excessive. I was a bit worried when I looked at how long the comment had become, haha. Good luck to you too!