Oh hey Satinel, thanks for testing on Gamepad! I usually do that by default actually, but I didn't have time this go-around with my ambitious plans and I have since been occupied with rating as many games as I can, including all that have come to stop by here. I bet with a little care I figure out what's going on with gamepad and add support for that too, I do usually like to have it.
From Pizzagate™ to destination, every delivery is possible in 30 seconds. But if you're coming from somewhere far and you get an 'Order Up' instantly, and it's for somewhere far, it's true, you can be kinda screwed. But The Man doesn't care. I sorta thought that fit within my hypercapitalist cycle-of-debt theming.
I am planning a little Quality of Life update post Ratings, I can see why that situation feels unfair for players, so I think I might just bump the timer back up to 00:30 if you get to the gate to pick up a pizza -- although that doesn't quite make sense with the '30 seconds to deliver' pitch, I doubt players will actually care.
Thanks for checking it out!