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Looks pretty nice overall. I was running into the same problem as Skye, though. Couldn't spend the coins to get more laser colors, which makes it difficult to impossible to progress. It'd also be nice, at least at the very start, if spawning monsters were only of the color(s) that you can defeat. I usually end up having to run away from monsters that I can't kill. Maybe switching colors by scrolling the mouse wheel would be slightly better than the radial menu. I also didn't see any visual indication of the currently selected laser color.

Monsters seem to attack only once (which leads to a funny exploit where you become invincible if you let yourself get attacked by four monsters, after which they create an impenetrable shield around you).

One more thing that threw me off a bit is that the aiming wasn't very intuitive. I can't quite express what it is, though. It seems to always hit where the crosshair aims, but there's something about the camera angle needed to aim at a certain position that seems odd.

I think this has a lot of potential. It looks like you've put a lot of effort into building a world, and I was looking forward to a boss battle with that kraken in the background but sadly couldn't make it that far. With a bit more work I think this could be a very entertaining game.

Thank you so much for this review! This means a lot 

I managed to figure out why the Colour switch is so finnicky, the hitbox is barely larger than the Phonebooth and you have to literally rub your face against it when you have the correct amount of coins. A visual indicator would have slammed. Will look into it

The Monster Spawns and AI were an absolute nightmare, the impenetrable wall is hysterical to hear about xD 

And Aiming was using Deproject Screen to World on the dot, which I was happy with (previous implementation was SO BAD), but I will give you is still turbo un-intuitive

If you do want to just fight the boss, you can just sprint to the end I've found before most of the Monsters spawn and spam at the base of the Kraken himself. Job done xD

We had a whole bunch of stuff that broke in the final hours of the Jam. Will definitely reupload when the jam is over