This is a cute VN, had a great time with it. A lot has already been said here that I agree with, so I'd like to focus in on something that I feel like is one of the highlights of this that hasn't gotten a lot of attention.
spoilers past this point for anyone who hasn't read yet.
So Ray is implied to have died in a car accident at the end. This death comes out of nowhere, and leaves the MC with regrets like not saying he loved him back during their last conversation. This rubbed me the wrong way on a first look, because there isn't any set up for this moment, and other stories that do this feel like they are just trying to get a cheap shock out of me. Taking a step back and considering other choices in the work, there is a moment early on where you can essentially get a premature bad end. If you chose not to go to the cafe, you'll never meet your wolf. Ignoring the fact that you can change the course of time in a flashback, (which is wild) I feel this what if scenario is important to what I consider the core theme of this work: every little choice you make is important.
It's as simple as where you choose to go, or what you choose to say, or to not say. The way our lives unfold can't be predicted, so It's important to keep that in mind if you want to live without regrets. While the way this message is delivered is pretty non-standard, It feels like a short story visual novel was the perfect way to do this, perhaps one of the only ways to make such a narrative and have it feel good.
overall, great work!