No one's gonna buy them. We should put them to the streets.
youre right, its the best option. For us, not the kid. But with their high hopes im sure they'll figure something out, probably, maybe
They're annoying, so they could probably kill people for a lving.
you have such good ideas, they can make their own money
I know I do. They'll be earning more than the squirt deserves.
maybe we can readopt them when they make enough money. Or turn them in for their crimes
Sure. Lets make them sign a legal document now when they're young and dumb to come back ten years later and give us everything they own
p e r f e c t, cant wait
Hello? I'm here to sign a legal document for you?
oh yeah! Hello child of ours! We've prepared the document. Dont worry about reading it, its all unimportant info anyways. Just sign right here!