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Out of all the games from the game jam, this one was definitely my favourite. The art was really fun, I loved the sense of there always being someone swelling up regardless fo the outcome of a fight. The card system was really fun too! Absolutely loved the POV shots when the player is swelling up, and the dialogue from the Witch was brilliant.

Not really much more I can ask for here, except that I hope to see more of your art and games in the future, because I had a really great time with this :D


awww thank you very much ;w;
I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and yes! everyone swelling up was exactly what I was going for ^w^ tums through defeat, but *more* tums through victory u3u~
You can thank the Isiah Card Game Combat plugin for the actual base coding to allow for such a system in RPG Maker ^^ 
I'm glad you liked them~ and definitely glad I was able to pull off the Witch as a character in spite of the short amount of time I had originally ^^7

I have plans to continue development of this game with more art (mainly for the endings), more music (there's only one track so far) more characters, and of course as a result, more tums u3u~

(1 edit)

I’d absolutely love to help in any way I can, if you ever find yourself in need of an artist or writer! I primarily do 3D artwork but would love to try and emulate the style you have for the game should you want a hand!

I think there’s genuine promise here and expanding (lol) the game would be amazing to see. Here’s to more tums! 

Whilst I certainly appreciate the offer, I am the the artist for this game as well as the developer, so unless I break my wrist or somethin, I should be fine XD Again very much appreciate the offer though ^w^

Thank you! Yes! More tums ahoy!