I think you've achieved something extraordinary. The writing and aesthetic demonstrate a real love and understanding of cyberpunk and noir genres. I loved some of the Chandler-esque pulpy descriptions. The guy sitting outside the office is an incredible character too, and the techno disease is an excellent sci-fi concept. Not sure if that's an established thing within Gibson or Shadowrun or something, or if that's your own concept, but I've never seen it before and I loved it.
Unfortunately however, I did get stuck. I'm fairly certain it wasn't me, but I guess you'd have to let me know. I'll put a warning to anyone else reading, if they don't want to see answers to puzzles.
////////////// PUZZLE DETAILS FOLLOW //////////////
I went to the construction site, got the cement, crowbar and the lockpick. I created the footprint mold. I asked the guy on the street about the mold, and then looked up the info on the computer. Then I lockpicked the car (very funny by the way!) but the car didn't allow me to interact with it anymore after that. I couldn't seem to figure out anything else to do from there. No new areas of the city opened up, I couldn't ask the guy anything, and there seemingly wasn't anything else to find. Let me know if this was a bug, or if I am just missing something right in front of my face. Because I'd really love to continue the game. I was enjoying it a lot.
////////////// PUZZLE DETAILS END //////////////
As far as suggestions, it's a small thing but there isn't really any indication to players that they can use both right and left click (assuming they're letting the game speak for itself without reading the instructions). Maybe an eye icon to indicate where there are examine options, which would grey out when they've been examined already? You've written so much nice flavor text, it would be a shame if players missed it because they didn't know it was there.
I actually recorded my playthrough. If you want to see my impressions as I played (or see if I really did run into a glitch), you can see it below (timestamp for your game in the description). Hope that can be useful!