What does this have to do with the Holocaust? Where did the 9 million come from? Did you dream them up?
"Also claming the ideology that killed millions somehow saved people lol.
That's the point, it didn't kill them, it saved them. I even listed what the revolution in Russia gave the people of Russia and the world. So what am I wrong? There was no famine before the revolution? There was. There were hunger riots. There were conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds. Especially in Asia and the Caucasus. The monstrous living conditions of the workers. The poverty of the countryside. The collapse of the country. Huge foreign debts. Weak industry. Illiteracy. Monstrous crime and corruption. And all these problems were consistently solved by communists. But you don't want to notice this, instead you imagined 9 million victims, and that's why we don't need to build communism.
And, by the way, the First World War wasn't started by communists either.