Wowee! Really appreciate the feedback and thought!
I can totally understand that this type of game isn't for everyone, especially in this case, when I've made it particularly slow-paced and repetitive, haha. But I'm glad that, despite that, what I was going for came across! This was definitely a bit of an experiment for me; playing around with systems and just seeing if I could make something weird and memorable, even if it isn't for everyone (and is slow-paced and repetitive).
Oh, and you're not entirely wrong about minimal effort if I'm being brutally honest with myself. A leading factor in making this game was that I started out the jam making an entirely different little platformer game where you whipped enemies with a Walkman. Getting from that to this was such a massive leap, that I just couldn't put as much into this as I maybe would've liked to. But yes, I did still throw my everything into it, regardless.
And, yes, the pun is the main point of the game. That's what I really want folks to get from it.