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Oh, gosh, there’s a lot here.

Googles Shinzo Looks at Google Images Attempts to refrain from Googling for the rest of this comment

The Morb Status for the characters after the prologue is indicated by the rotation of the their name. If it is rotated to the left then it is a Yin and vice versa.

Morbing was not a shitposting relic, I just honestly couldn’t think of a better name until a few days before my submission.

I haven’t seen Bladerunner. I’ve only read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Also don’t think too hard about the dream sequences, IBWHIP will metaphorically murder you if you do.

Hopefully the rest of the VN when I release it will satisfy your romance needs.

The rest of your comment can basically summed with “You might be getting Unagi-ed!”

I think I responded to everything that I had to fortitude, 6 weeks into this jam, to respond to.

If there is something you need more clarification on then please let me know.

(1 edit)

I will COMMAND GRAB you for only fixating on the androids part of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and putting that foot first in the narrative instead of the dichotomy of the androids in tandem with the empathy boxes of the Mercerism religion not as a tale of AI overtaking the role of man but in terms of what does it mean to be human, when there are machines with the same feelings as man and man forced to use a machine to feel empathy-- it's a tale of what does it mean to be human not a cautionary creed about the AI uprising you MONSTER.

You could have just like... referenced Megan at this rate. Your reference pulls in the opposite direction of the dialogue you penned for that scene.

I am, however, living for your commentary of "I pretend I do not see it."