1) cylinder pipes
there are two ways
one is to extrude one end and scale it down and extrude again
you can extrude selected quads by pressing K or L
to scale use the console command: S
e.g. S 0.5
is scale by 50 percent
another method that is easier but results in messy geometry is using csg:
this also uses console commands:
- make two cylinders (make sure one is in the another and they overlap)
- select the first and use the command: OP1
- deselect it
- now select the second and use the command: OP2
- deselect it
- use the command: SUB
now there should be a hole in the first in the shape of the second
there are also other operatiors that work the same way: SUB ADD INT
SUB is for subtract
ADD merges two entities
INT is for intersect (if you make two rooms or hollow meshes you can contact them with this)
(also you can make meshes hollow with the command FLIP )
2) joining meshes:
- select one mesh
- press J
- click on the other mesh
3) doors:
in properties (6)
select 'usedoor' or 'keepdoor'
for triggerable either use 'trigdoor_stay' or 'pathvator_togg'
4) fog:
one fog is the dark prisonfog
for this you need to place the actor 'spec_darkfog'
it's in the top row above the brainsucker statue
and looks like a little monitor
another fog is the sprite fog:
- make a zone with V
- in properties (6) select 'smokebox'
5) scaling:
you can use the console command S
e.g. S 0.5
"scale" also works: e.g. SCALE 0.5
this is uniform scale, if you want to scale on an axis,
you need to give 3 parameters e.g.:
SCALE 1 0.1 1
they are in the order of X Y Z
and Y is up
6) snow:
there used to be a snow effect in the game
but I need to check if it's still in 🤔 (possibly reimplement it )
I'll try to get it in by next update
if you need help or more details with any of these let me know!