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1) cylinder pipes
there are two ways
one is to extrude one end and scale it down and extrude again
you can extrude selected quads by pressing K or L
to scale use the console command: S
e.g. S 0.5
is scale by 50 percent

another method that is easier but results in messy geometry is using csg:
this also uses  console commands:
- make two cylinders (make sure one is in the another and they overlap)
- select the first and use the command:  OP1
- deselect it
- now select the second and use the command:  OP2
- deselect it
- use the command: SUB
now there should be a hole in the first in the shape of the second

there are also other operatiors that work the same way: SUB ADD INT
SUB  is for subtract
ADD  merges two entities
INT  is for intersect (if you make two rooms or hollow meshes you can contact them with this)
(also you can make meshes hollow with the command FLIP  )

2)  joining meshes:

- select one mesh
- press J
- click on the other mesh

3) doors:

in properties (6)
select 'usedoor' or 'keepdoor'
for triggerable either use 'trigdoor_stay' or 'pathvator_togg'

4)  fog:
one fog is the dark prisonfog
for this you need to place the actor 'spec_darkfog'
it's in the top row above the brainsucker statue
and looks like a little monitor

another fog is the sprite fog:
- make a zone with V
- in properties (6) select 'smokebox'

5) scaling:
you can use the console command S 
e.g. S 0.5
"scale" also works: e.g. SCALE  0.5
this is uniform scale, if you want to scale on an axis,
you need to give 3 parameters e.g.:
SCALE  1   0.1   1
they are in the order of X  Y  Z
and Y is up

6) snow:
there used to be a snow effect in the game
but I need to check if it's still in  🤔 (possibly reimplement it )
I'll try to get it in by next update

if you need help or more details with any of these let me know!


The SUB system so far does the better result, but would be nice if it was a simpler way and with less weird geometry to subtract meshes.


there is only a more complicated way:
using the main bsp (it re-optimises the quads - but it's meant for large areas)
anyway the steps for this:
- make a cylinder
- select it
- press numpad 1
- make another cylinder inside it
- flip it (with console command FLIP)
- press numpad 7
- now use the console command: BTOQ 0
this turns the bsp group 0 into a single quad mesh (and it should be selected now)

this can be used to make more advanced CSG stuff

also this bsp method is good for making large areas
but can get out of hand pretty quick
you can rebuild the bsp it with the ) or 0 key  (whatever you got to the right of 9)
or using the console command BSP
you can assign bsp groups with the console command BG  (e.g. BG 1)
there are about 30 groups and group 0 is the default

numpad 1 is for adding
numpad 7 is intersect
if you want to make a whole map using it I  recommend starting with an intersected room as the first one

 it's kind of like the dynamic bsp unreal uses, but only good for about 100 meshes
and there is no check if there is an error in your mesh (you need to make sure yourself)
and error in this case means a hole somewhere (use the noexport texture to add holes)
shapes can be concave - but sometimes it goes haywire - with missing triangles out of nowhere
(the groups are a work around for this )
and I recommend using the red 'noexport' texture to stick areas together

alas I usually just used the default 8 sided pipes that the editor auto generates
so making these detailed pipes is tricky


I think I'm starting to get the gist now. I'll try do more test to see what's the best method. Talking about that, when I press B to make a box shaped mes, sometimes it comes out with an empty hole in the middle ( much like with pressing C multiple times you can have a different way to raise cylinder) but it isn't always working as well as I espected to.


yes, you can also use the mousewheel to change it
(alas I thought it would come useful for something)

anyway I made an extended tutorial for the BSP stuff:
let me know what you think

(1 edit) (+1)

Seems very useful, I'll share it throught the discord chat. 


By working with BPS, I've come across this sort of weird bug that is happening in my map, maybe I'm doing something wrong but part of the the meshes doesn't seem to properly disappear to make a hole:

This seems to happen with wall meshes that aren't perfectly perpendicular, although I haven't verified yet.


I'm afraid the BSP is not completely bug free - so these will happen now and then 😔
the thing is it's a technique that was never really meant to be used dynamically and it's hard
to predict what might cause an error (something to do with floating point errors adding up as the tree grows)
my only workaround (or recommendation) is to use multiple groups when you can
(of course there might be some other cause - I cannot tell for sure without looking a the map itself)


I tried replicating the BPS bug within a test map to see if this was something that specifically happened in sloped walls. Seems like the BPS work fine for the most part here:

The most obvious bug is  at certain moments some meshes of the BPS will outright disappear for no apparent reason:

Seems like the real problem happen in my large map, where all the meshes that are supposed to disappear just remain in the carved hole, which doesn't seem the case in other maps I've made, and I don't understand how to possibly solve this issue.


I'm afraid it's completely random (seemingly at least) sometimes it works great - sometimes don't 😔

one solution is to set your original wall to have the 'noexport' texture and make another room next to it in a different BSP group (with it's wall facing inwards also 'noexport')

in other words when the BSP fails there is no other choice but do a little manual carving (at least to glue two groups together)