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A member registered Mar 06, 2023

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I tried replicating the BPS bug within a test map to see if this was something that specifically happened in sloped walls. Seems like the BPS work fine for the most part here:

The most obvious bug is  at certain moments some meshes of the BPS will outright disappear for no apparent reason:

Seems like the real problem happen in my large map, where all the meshes that are supposed to disappear just remain in the carved hole, which doesn't seem the case in other maps I've made, and I don't understand how to possibly solve this issue.

By working with BPS, I've come across this sort of weird bug that is happening in my map, maybe I'm doing something wrong but part of the the meshes doesn't seem to properly disappear to make a hole:

This seems to happen with wall meshes that aren't perfectly perpendicular, although I haven't verified yet.

Have you updated the editor to include custom skyboxes with a simpler process?

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Looks really interesting, but sadly like with Nekkrobox before the update, LAB and Mortuary Freebooter, seems like they cannot run on my hardware due to the lack of optimizations. 

For what I seen, I like some of the scrapped weapons and hope we can see them return in some form in some future expansion/new game for Zortch!

1) When you play in gmae and the map is labeled as preview, you have automatically the ability to fly around with noclip by pressing CTRL. If you got in water, you get stuck at the base level and you can't go up afterward.

Think I've figured out most of the problems with BPS by now, which at least it is a good sign. But at the same time, new problems arised:

1) Found a bug in which if you fly in the preview mode and you are in water, you get stuck at a certain altitude and can't even fly higher afterward, not even by dying.

2) I inserted the generator room in  my map, and found a peculiar bug, aka some patches of lights literally appears out of nowhere in random meshes. Here's some examples:

1) What's the best option to make a door/secret panel less noticeable? Pic related, but generally could be useful to just make doors fitting more with the general lightning environment.

2) How do I make a destructible wall or object within the engine? Can you regulate the level of damage they can take in?

3)There's also this bug that happen once in a while, in which some surfaces on meshes disappear for no apparent reason during the engine rendering, even if they do appear in the editor map viewer, I can't exactly pinpoint what cause this problem tho.

4) When you disable the BPS, a copy of the previous mesh remain in the map, impossible to remove or select unless you move away the original unBPS mesh or closing and reloading the map. If this is a bug, could it be fixed?

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Seems very useful, I'll share it throught the discord chat. 

Have you plans to update LAB and Mortuary Freebooter to run with the latest optimizations to the engine, like you did with Nekkrobox?

I think I'm starting to get the gist now. I'll try do more test to see what's the best method. Talking about that, when I press B to make a box shaped mes, sometimes it comes out with an empty hole in the middle ( much like with pressing C multiple times you can have a different way to raise cylinder) but it isn't always working as well as I espected to.

The SUB system so far does the better result, but would be nice if it was a simpler way and with less weird geometry to subtract meshes.

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1) I want to create an empty cylinder with two meshes, one it's the outside and the other is the insides. How do I extrude it to make this effect work? Screen for reference: 

2) I also want to weld two object/meshes toghever, so went I move them around and click them they are selected as one directly. 

3) How do I avoid doors to keep opening by getting close to them, if I have intention to only make them openable by a lever/button? And how do I bind the color keys to the specific doors?

4) How do I set a proper fog effect, if I want my map to look like a Silent Hill-style landscape?

5) More of a suggestion, but it would be cool to have an option to resize any formed mesh in  a proper way, rather than selected then for the surfaces or vertex and resize them bit by bit.

6) On the discord, one of the modders is working on a snowvy map, it would be cool to have a snowfall type effect like with rain and fog.

Zortch community · Posted in Bugs
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Found some misaligned tiles and voids in the early levels:

Also found this weird visual glitch in which the flame brute shines like he's invisible:

It be over passed by enemies who do physical attacks by coming closer to the player through the shield (the hands, sawblade bots, blobls).

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IMO a good rework for the shield would be to set it for difficulty. Let's say that if you play at the early difficulties (Visitor and Pushover) the shield is infinite and indestructible, from Warrior to Subjugator your shield has a limited time span finite HP before breaking down but is still strong enough to take multiple hits/explosions/rockets before breaking down, and in the Maxed difficulty the shield is back to being indestructible but keeps a limited timespan. 

As for the timespan itself, for the normal difficulties a good balance would be something that last a minute and a half ( maybe something like 1m20s ) , while in Maxed is reduced to just 40 seconds.

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I assume it's a similar process to add a specific music too? I also saw that there's a specific object that is supposed to change music in certain situation if you link it to a trigger.

What is the best way to create a light gradient, as to simulate the sunshine/ light rays effect? I saw that you use the white_light texture, but I don't understand how it turns into a gradient texture too.

Zortch community · Posted in Bugs

Found a missing texture in the first level in the teleporter room (there's a wall on the other side):

and in the same level, there's a weird geomtetry displacement that wasn't there before:

Also, dunno if it's a bug too, but I wanted to experiment with making a map recreating the famous "Into The Abyss" level from Titanfall 2, and run in this effect in which the other side of the mesh becomes traslucent for no reason when it isn't supposed to do that:

1) The skybox changes now work quite well, but I noticed that for some reason it keeps the lens effect on, even when it doesn't make sense in the context of a night sky. Which command disable it? 

2) Tried making a revolting door using the properties, the result were quite... bizzarre:

3) It is very annoying when the lights doesn't fit properly with the meshes, I waas wondering if there's a solution to this issue:

I've also noticed that in some cases the meshes doesn't even align themselves properly between each other on the grid, which becomes quite frustrating if you have to put them close toghever to avoid seeing a void zone.

6) One of the scrapped maps uses a rain effect within the BOXMOVER mesh, but when I tried to find in the editor properties there wasn't any of it, which is weird.

7) For the rocketslug enemy, when I loaded into this level, those two icons appeared right at when it spotted me or when I hit it:

Never happened in the main campaign, and it seemed like the enemy was screeching fine regardless. Maybe it's a cut sound or a preview mode error?

8) What are the commands for disabling the hud entirely?


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Appreciate the effort, hope you can fix the preview system for future updates as well.

I kinda feel bad to be the only one using this thread tho, I was hoping to see at least more people showing some of their custom maps as well. 

Btw, how many skyboxes are in the game? Having a full list might be useful to research.

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Hey, how do I switch between skyboxes? Still haven't figured it out yet. At the same time, I wanted to try terrain deformation and I was curious to know what are the best tricks to mix two textures toghever (like when you create a floor with two ground texture or you want to put a graffiti or flyer on a surface).

I would also like to create a instadeath barrier (like when the player fall out of bonds they instantly die) for a map I'm working on, it is possible?

Zortch community · Posted in Bugs

After the wake up animation, the POV remains slighty tilted and doesn't change. Surprised this bug hasn't already been fixed.

It worked finally!

Don't worry about it, take your time to work on it ;)

Something strange I've noticed tho is that my Zortch files are not in the same place as you showed them to be. This is strange, since the game running hasn't had any problem with it. This is how my files look on the main folder:

And on the editor folder:

Could this be the reason why the custom textures doesn't seem to work regardless of your guide?

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Fun fact: I've manged to add a couple of custom Dall-E textures through the shortcut method, and seemingly worked. They do appear in the editor and preview mode...

...but once I run the game, they appear as a white block

Is it something to do with how the texure file have been written in the \tiledata.script ?

I've downloaded the texture pack from your games and right now I'm planning to bring back the unused Zortch custom textures, and it would be nice to have a CUSTOM or at least be able to set any custom texture under the correct tab (like if you made a metal texture, you put it under the METAl tab and so on...).

 this is an engine limitation - it only checks if you hid the key behind energy doors
only possible solution right now is to make the container bigger so you cannot touch the keys radius
sorry about that 😔

Kinda expected. I assume the only solution would be to rewrite the script to set a smaller keycard hitbox radius, or at least give the opportunity for any modders who want to mess around to do it.

you actually found a hidden cut feature
(it was another sort of reactor for a different room

Really like the effect tho, and I could see it being repurposed to make another sort of shield ray particle effect that powers up a shield.

 And for the green generator, I could see useful to set a way to make custom green generators (setting lenght and the destroyed  shape) within the engine in a similar fashion in which you make doors or other moving platforms. Sizable particle effects would be cool too, if possible.

If you want to make a shield barrier and connect it to the generator, do you use the LINK command, right?  Guess I can do the same with trigger barriers linked with NPC spawns.

if you are using preview map (with play command) these await a patch for to be tested
if you using already the custom maps let me know (it might be an error if they don't work)

The skybox works fine ifI'm playing or using the map preview in the engine, its just the same one. I wanted to swap it with one of the other skys showed in the game.

Hopefully this feedback can help.

Here we go again. 

1) I'm struggling to replicate the lens flare effect with fake light rays you created in the official maps. In yours it is something like that (this is from the campagin's scrapped maps but still): 

In my map, the effect appear to be decentered and not aligned from the actual light sources, like it follows my FOV rather than being sticked with the light sources:

Those columns thingies are supposed to cast blue light rays in the center of a structure, and wanted to know how to set them properly.

2) For a map I'm working on, there is supposed to be a key holder sort of column covered by glass that should be breaked, but once you get close to the glass you pick up the key without having to break the glass, which seems more like an hitbox problem from the key's part. 
I was also planning to set a trigger which does spawn some NPCs close to it once you break the glass and take the key, and I wanted to learn more about them and their properties

3) Tried to replicate the green reactor/generator from the main levels using the BOXMOVER entity and setting the properties to REACTOR, and this is what came out of it:

For some reason a random blue ray stretches from the mass and disappear once you stop looking at it, which is not what I wanted to achieve but does look cool regardless (might be useful for another map if I understand it better)

How do I set properly a shield generator that can be destroyed and that links to other shield walls like in the main campaign? I think this might be useful also to learn how to properly connect a button to a door or piston to move.

4) How do I change the skybox once I set the sky texture? Is there a console command to set?

5) I want to add fog, fire, sparkles or smoke effects to my level, which entity is the right one for the job? 

That's it for now.

Uh, didn't realize that. But overall is an ability that isn't very feel fleshed out and wouldn't be too much of a loss if it was removed.

Thanks! At least I hope this can help you improve the game engine and editor even further. 

So it is possible to also turn some prefabs into items? Because I did turn some custom meshes into prefabs and for some reason they don't appear in the item menu or number 3 menu.

What is the command to speparate props or group of meshes once you clone them? I noticed that when I try to modify their vertex or shape, the original will also be linked and affected by it, which is not what I want them to do.

I'm also curious if I can apply custom textures in the game files just for the fun of it... or even a custom skybox would be neat to work with.

Zortch community · Posted in Bugs

I found a bug in which doors can open up by the contact of grenade or the wrench tool hitting them, which I don't think should be doing that.

Nekkrobox works perfectly now, thanks for the update!

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Worked just fine till a certain point; the numb pad are not responding to the texture switching, how can I turn it back normal?

I've also accidentantly turned my map into BPS, separating the geometry from the meshes and making it impossible to keep working normally. How can I revert the process back?

I wish I knew more, but so far it only crashed once in a while, so it's hard to understand what are the causes. On the other hands, I tried playing your older games ( The Lab, Mortuary Freebooter and Nekkronbox) and all of them seems to crash at the start or stutter/freeze at 1-2 fps, making them unplayable, which is something that never happened with Zortch.  Maybe it has to do with the engine optimization being older?

The editor only really crashed with CTRL + P to calculate lights, and that happened not many times. It might be a problem within Xed editor's light renderer than the map itself, because all the times I've played it didn't crash anything.

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Just for testing light and textures,  I took photos from a real life cafeteria and tried replicating the basic architecture in the Xed engine:


Pretty much nailed the eerie/liminal space aesthetic, althought it crashed the engine at least three times while compiling lights. Despite the limits, I like how you can work to generate a good enough map within few hours and fill it with custom made props within the limits of the engine. With a dedicated audience, I can see modders doing absolutely bonkers stuff with it once they get the tecnical knowledge right.

As for the other map, I've restaerd  from scratch and enlarged a little bit to fit the kick-jump movement style better:

Next step will be adding enemies and working out the level logic like triggers, generator, forcefields ect... but so far I like the results. 

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Lights are quite doable with a bit of tinkering and placing, and while geometry can be tricky I found it very satisfying to block out meshes for the map .  

The worst thing is applying proper textures. Some textures get completely out of size or overly stretched in certain parts, and the mouse wheel to align them correctly is quite annoying to use. I think this is one of the cases in which a more in depth Hammer style handler to displace, size and align textures correctly should be implemented. 

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That should be enough for now, thanks ;)