Thanks for the in-depth comment. I appreciate all the feedback since it's my first go at creating a game.
1. The mouse sensitivity is an issue a lot of people have mentioned. Definitely going to put a mouse slider in.
2. Fair enough regarding the head bobbing. I could add an option to remove it.
3. The enemies do create a sound when they shoot. I think the volume roll-off depending on distance might have been too strong. I wanted to add some enemy gurgling or something but ran out of time, so I'll get around to it soon.
4. Change font is another comment I've seen lot, so I'll hit that as well.
5. I'd agree that the overheat is a little strong / punishing at the beginning of the game. It was an attempt to balance the player being able to kill the enemies pretty easily. There's an upgrade you can unlock later in the game which lowers the overheating issue. I wanted it to feel good when you unlock it.
I'm thinking of having a second pass at the game to improve some of the issues and restore some cut content, potentially submitting it for the super edition.
Your game was a lot of fun to play. Thanks!