The intro made me feel the game was bugged...
Text sfx is quite weird and not pleasant to the ear, maybe it was best to leave the sfx out of the picture. And there's too much text per speech line, which could be edited harder or/and cut in several lines.
Despite the nice placing of the music tunes, it's just my personal disliking of the classic music (especially the Beethoven's one, heard to much too often) in this setting, don't feel the vibe. Howeverm it's great that music doesn't play all the time (the best way to chill is to turn the shower on).
Also the main chars melancholic (almost desperate) attitude makes the game less fun. I remember The Whispered World game, where the clown, although being quite sad, was quite witty and fun in his whining (well, sad is not desperate).
But the lore is well-written, loved the details in this game (and hidden gems of jokes), despite being centered on some kind of "escape my space prison" routine.