I really liked this game and I would 100% spend way too much time playing something like this on mobile. It's very addicting and once I figured out the core concept, the gameplay felt very easy - it's the tactics which are hard. Really good job with the design of this! I hope you continue with this and develop it into a full release. Had fun playing!
Here are the notes I took as I played:
would like to have music
i like that there is a tutorial and example image!
ok, this is cool, I have to build windbreaks
are trees all that I can plant?
how does stopping wind work, I'm seeing wind animation go through trees
what are the glowing yellow dots and what does the dinging mean? ding is VERY quiet
how do I get more plants?
I think I picked the plant that was growing, but sell button didn't seem to do anything
oh just noticed the shop button. Gonna buy everything I guess. I liked the detailed information when you've clicked on an item. Would like that same info when clicking on it in inventory.
no failure message when attempting to buy more than you can afford
aha the elephant grass attracts the sparklies. I wonder how big a range this has
ooh the tip bar is nice
oh the dings are when plants are ready
planting anything on the top border kills it
acorn seeds can be planted to...make more acorn seeds... they block wind during this time so could be used as an exploit for free temporary wind blocks since so many are grown by the trees
ok game over, let's try again
why is the wind going through 2 rows of trees?
oh no i clicked and dragged from inventory lol
are the dings bugs? I dunno what the dings mean
coffee beans aren't centered in box
wanting some sort of feedback for when I buy stuff, like a button press down or audio event
oh duh I see the light up box now around the harvestable stuff
coffee image looks to be going blank when it can be harvested
don't like how the defensive purple flower is lighting up, keep harvesting it by mistake
would like a button to sell all harvested items
ok lost again but got the hang of this. Accidentally painting all my trees in a terrible formation didn't help lol, but that could be a concept you use for different game modes with like prelaid maps and different gold amounts or items in the shop. You could remove trees entirely, make them expensive, not sell the axe, tons of different ways you could build challenge levels by just adjusting the base design!
ok round 3
naw i started badly, a restart button would be nice, have to quit game to start over
shop sections (eg seeds) should be in order of cheapest to most
need pause button
i like how i can harvest and keep the selection for left click
purple plants never seem to take wind damage
same types aren't stacking, eg multiple stacks of acorns
can plant harvested stuff, will create new stack when harvested
can sell seeds and stuff like the purple plant - gives extra money if done right before end of round, so you basically can plant these for free