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I'm very confused, I have so many questions. Why can the enemies seemingly shoot further than me? Why am I randomly taking damage out of nowhere? Why... am I taking damage at all and why are there health pickups, I thought the player couldn't die? 

Also took me a while to figure out what the room numbers meant (which may have had to do with the fact that I skipped the intro by accident, because pressing enter didn't work at first, though I suspect that might be a web player issue). Also, the movement speed is definitely too slow :/

It's definitely the kind of game that benefits heavily from more time, some sparkles here, some tuning there, and it could be fun. Which I'm sure you wanted to add but ran out of time because everything takes 50 times longer than you'd expect :)

Thank you for the criticism. I'll implement fixes once the jam is over.

The thing about taking damage even though you can't die - that's where the Jam's theme of 'deception' comes in. Ideally, I would never have told the player that they can't die. I just did that as part of submission.

This is what was meant to happen:

You are made to believe that the "armed cannibal gangsters" can kill you. Each time you're shot, you turn red. When you pick up a health, you turn green. "So surely I take damage and can die?"

Knowing that you can't die, you've  realised that something is wrong. ie Somebody deceived you into believing that these cannibals can hurt you. If you've been deceived about that, what else have you been deceived about?


Ohhhhhhhh. Yea, telling people that they can't die was probably not ideal then :D Then again, chances are people would just assume it's a bug when they figure it out. Hm. Tough crowd you got there. That certainly makes the concept a lot more interesting, though!